Chapter 14

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Grace's POV:

"LOGAN THAT WAS MY LAST PANCAKE!" Henry screamed across the table.

"Whoops." Logan mumbled as he stuffed one of Henry's pancakes into his mouth.

"Mum Logan just stole my last pancake!" Henry whined down the table to Julia.

"Logan, why?" Julia sighed in response.

"I was hungry." Logan said shrugging his shoulders in response.

"So what's everyone going to be up to today?" Julia asked swiftly switching the topic of the conversation.

"Me and Logan were planning on going to hangout with Matt later at his house." Lucas said from opposite me.

"Oh Matthew what a lovely boy I haven't seen him in a while, you'll need to tell him to come over for dinner one of these days." Julia said, smiling at Lucas.

"I'm sure he'll love that, he always goes on about how much he loves your cooking." Logan mumbled from beside me earning a small chuckle from John who was reading his newspaper.

"He's a good kid." John said.

"Honey are you still ok going into town to get some shopping?" Julia asks John.

"Of course, as long as you write me a list of what to get." John replies sending her a loving smile.

"Will do. Have you any plans today Grace?" Julia asks, turning her attention away from her husband and towards me.

"Yeh, I was actually going to ask if it's ok that I go to the mall with my two friends from school." I ask politely.

"Oh yes that's absolutely fine. Would you like me to drive you there? I'm going to the hair salon today so I could drop you off." Julia says with her genuine smile that I have found is always placed on her face.

"We were planning on meeting there at 12." I reply looking up at the large clock placed on the kitchen wall reading that is was currently 10:27, giving me around an hour and a half.

"I could give you a lift, I'm going to my girlfriend's house around that time and she stays near the mall." William says speaking up for the first time.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea Will, if that is alright with you Grace?" Julia says.

"Yes that's fine, thank you William." I say sending him an appreciative smile.

"Great, we can leave around 11:45." He says getting up from the table to put his empty plate in the sink.


After having a quick shower and changing into simple yellow crop jumper and a pair of black shorts since it was warm outside, I grabbed my bag with everything I need and started to head downstairs.

"You ready Grace?" William asked me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeh I'm ready." I reply, looking down at my phone to see that Alison just texted the group chat letting us know that she was just leaving her house now.

"You kids leaving?" I hear a deep voice ask, looking up to see John standing leaning against the door frame to the livingroom.

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