Chapter 30

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Grace's POV:

"Ugh I'm not in the mood to deal with Vivian's antics today." Nora whined as we made our way towards the schools fields.

School had just ended and Nora had cheer practice while I thought I should go take some pictures of the football practice, as for Alison well she claimed she had nothing better to do than to tag along however I think she was using it as an excuse to see a certain someone with the name beginning with L.

"If she starts to annoy you just give me a shout I'd be happy to throw this coke over her.. actually no I wouldn't want to waste this can of coke on her." Alison says causing me to laugh.

"I had a weird encounter with her this morning actually." I say as we squeeze our way past a group of boys on the football team.

"Really what happened?" Nora asks me as she screws her face up in disgust at the groups of boys who are now playfully pushing each other around.

"She just freaked out on me because I was talking to her dad." I say, still completely confused at the whole situation.

"Her dad is a teacher at this school, she has to expect students will be talking to him." Alison says as she shakes her head in annoyance.

"Well she does live for being the centre of the attention, that's probably the main reason why Mr C didn't want her in any of his classes." Nora says as we approach the changing rooms. "Well I better go get changed for practice, I'll probably see you guys out there." She's says bidding us goodbye before disappearing into one of the girls changing rooms.

Me and Alison carried on and made our way out to the football fields where we saw Logan and Matthew standing with a few other members of the team who were starting to warm up while waiting on their coach to come out.

I found myself staring at Matthew maybe a little to intently to the point where I think even he could feel my gaze burning into his skin as he looked around until his eyes finally met mine.

We continued to stare at each other across the field until a cheeky grin made its way onto his face as he raised one hand slightly to give me a small wave, making me return the small greeting before turning back to face Alison only to see her already smirking back at me while making kissing noises.

"Stop." I whine as I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment which only causes Alison laugh even more.

"Did Matthew tell the twins about his undying love for you then?" Alison asks dramatically.

"Yeah he did and Logan came and talked to me about it and he seemed surprisingly fine with it, he even said that we would be good for each other." I say as I discretely glance over in Matthew's direction only to see him laughing loudly at something Logan said.

"That's good then, so are you guys like a couple now or..?" Alison asks me and to be honest I don't even know myself.

"I-I don't know, he hasn't actually talked to me since then." I reply quietly as I look down at my hands.

"Well I can't say I'm much help since I've never been romantically involved with anyone but I would say your better just talking to him about it, at least then it will be clear to you." Alison says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah I guess." I mutter as I find my gaze going back over to Matthew. "Well I best get started on taking some pictures." I say I watch the football team start their practice.

"Ok I'm just going to chill here, I could use this time to start homework but in reality I know I'm just going to get distracted by my phone." Alison says as she give me a silly smile making me shake my head at her playfully.

Once I have hung my camera around my neck I make my way over to the edge of the football field and start taking some pictures of the practice.

I know I'm supposed to be taking pictures of the whole team but throughout the practice I find myself focusing the camera solely on Matthew.

Oh god that sounds creepy.

He just has this aura that draws me in, anyone can see just by looking at him just how much he loves the sport and it's obvious by how talented he is that is exactly why he was picked as the team captain.

The noise of the whistle getting blown by the team coach signalling that it's the end of the practice is what brings me out of my day dream and back to reality. I watch as some of the team start head to the changing rooms while others run over to the bleachers to grab a drink of water, leaving only Matthew and Logan along as they make their way towards me.

"Hey Grace, I'm just going to go shower then we can head home." Logan says as he starts gulping down water from his water bottle.

"Ok that's fine, I'll just meet you by the car." I reply.

"You coming bro?" Logan asks as he turns to face Matthew.

"Just go ahead I'll be there in a minute." Matthew says earning a small nod from Logan as he glances my way.

There's a brief silence between the two of us as we both watch Logan head towards the changing rooms.



We both say at the exact same time causing us to both fall into laughter.

"Ladies first." Matthew gestures towards myself once we finish laughing.

"I-I just wanted to say thank you for talking to the twins about.. w-well us." I stutter as I awkwardly fidget with the camera in my hand.

"It's no problem." He says as a small smile appears on his face. "I'm sorry I haven't said anything else until now, I can only imagine how confused you must be about us right now." He says.

"Just a little." I whisper in response.

"Well I've been waiting for the right moment to get you alone to ask if you would like to go on a date with me on Friday night after the football game?" He says making me instantly blush at his question.

"I would love to." I reply, unable to fight back the wide grin that makes its way on my face. "But where will we go?" I ask curiously.

"Now that will be a surprise." Matthew says lowly causing me to huff playfully.

Roll on Friday.

Hey guys, I'm aware that this chapter is on the shorter side but I promise you guys I'm building the story up to the next chapter which will be longer and will be more eventful.

Please leave your thoughts on this chapter and your predictions for how Matthew and Grace's date is going to go! :)

~Lou :)

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