Chapter 24

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Grace's POV: 

"Oh they look beautiful, I need to get a picture of them!" Julia squealed happily as we finished placing the sunflowers in one of her crystal clear vases that was positioned on top of the breakfast bar in the middle of the kitchen. 

"They do." I said quietly as I look up at the eye catching flowers.

Growing up sunflowers were the only flowers my mother chose to have in the house as she would say they were known as the flowers of happiness and all she wanted was for us to be happy. At the time I used to think it was silly, how could flowers convey happiness? 

However now as I stare at the tall sturdy looking flowers that reflect golden rays around the room as the light hits them, I feel warm fuzzy feelings creep up throughtout my body. A slight fuzzy feeling of happieness. 

"They look lovely." A deep voice speaks up from the doorway, taking both me and Julia by surprise. 

"Don't they just!" Julia excitedly claps as she goes over to study them once again. "Do they look like they are sitting properly in the vase?" She asks us both as she takes time to look at them from all angles.

"Yes they look great honey." John replies with a sigh as he goes over to greet Julia with a peck on the cheek. 

I awkwardly look away at that. I never knew it was possible to feel like a third wheel when in the company of adults. 

"Sorry I just get so excited when it comes to flowers. My old florist days come back to me." Julia explains to me as she lets out a small laugh. 

I smile at that. 

"Thanks again Julia for taking me to get them." I thank her, glancing towards them once again. 

"It's no problem at all sweetheart, I'm happy that I could help." She says with a small grin on her face. 

Julia and John start chatting about how each of their days went and I take that as my opportunity to slip out of the room. 

The next couple of hours were spent curled up in bed while I had some Netflix show that I wasn't paying much attention to playing on in the background. I felt myself close to falling asleep when a sudden knock at the door made me jump a litte. A yawn escapes my mouth as I stretch my limbs out before mumbling a quiet 'come in' silently praying that whoever was on the other side of the door would just leave. 

However that didn't happen as I watched the door open revealing Oliver. 

"Hey Grace, mom told me to tell you that dinner is getting put out." He said as he curiosuly looked around my room, taking in every small detail. 

I smirked slyly at his curiosity. I have come to realise that Oliver was your typical young teenage boy who by the odd random voice breaks has most likely just started going through puberty. He still acted like girls carried a deadly disease however every now and then I could tell he was getting to the point where he was starting to become more curious of the other gender. Poor boy. 

"I'll be down in a minute." I reply as I force myself to roll out of bed. 

As I take a seat beside Logan at the dinner table I notice Julia placing tachos on the table making me smile in delight. This is probably the only good thing to have happend today. 

I tune out the low chatter at the table as I become completely focused on the delishess goodness that is on my plate. 

I vaguely hear John ask everyone how their days were soon followed by a chorus of replies from each boy. 

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