Chapter 18

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Grace's POV:

We all drove home to get changed for the party and I agreed to meet Alison and Nora there since I was going to be going there with Lucas and Logan.

I decided to start getting ready as Logan went for a shower. I started by applying some makeup leaving me with a rather natural look yet still managed to make my eye colour pop. I let my hair hang down from the ponytail that it was in to it's now natural waves and managed to tame it so it looked at least a little presentable. I then went over to my wardrobe to pick out the dress that I bought last week that Nora insisted that I should wear tonight even though I still think it's too pretty for someone like me, and paired it with black belt to give the dress more shape.

Once I slipped on a pair of small heals I took a glance at my reflection in the mirror to see the green floral dress hugging in at my waist due to the belt making me rather surprised by how flattering it looked on my body.

Damn maybe I don't look as bad as I thought I would.

A soft knock at my door broke my trance in the mirror and I shout a 'come in' to whoever is at the other side.

"Hey honey the boys are waiting downstairs for- oh my you look absolutely gorgeous." Julia gasps at she sees me upon entering the room.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"The colour of the dress looks beautiful against the copper color of your hair." She says gently as she walks towards me reaching out to take my hands in hers.

"You really think so?" I question as I unconsciously fidget with the ends of my hair.

"Of course, you look like such a beautiful young lady." She says as she gently squeezes my hands. "Now lets head downstairs, don't want to keep the boys waiting." She says with a warm smile.

As we get downstairs the boys are sitting waiting in the living room arguing about something on the tv and upon noticing me they all go silent.

"You look pretty Grace." Henry says making me smile widely at him.

"Go change!" Logan mumbles looking at me with an emotion that I can't quite decipher.

"What? No way whats wrong with it?" I question looking down at the dress. Is it really that bad?

"Logan!" William shouts angrily.

"What are you seriously ok with her going to at party dressed like that? I can't keep my eye on her all night what if something happens?" He argues back leaving me utterly confused.

"Well I think you look lovely Grace, maybe just put a jacket on." Lucas says to me as he stands up chucking the car keys in the air and catching them.

"A jacket? Are you serious? Maybe if she has one of those really long jackets that fully cover up her whole body." Logan whines as he shakes his head angrily.

"Stop being dramatic Logan." A new voice belonging to John says as he enters the room, turning around I see John standing there at the doorway with Julia cuddled under one of his arms. "You look great Grace just ignore them. I want you all to look out for one another tonight ok." He says sternly as he looks over towards Logan and Lucas and seems to have some sort of mental conversation with them as they go silent.

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