Chapter 37

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Grace's POV:


"Don't tell me to calm down. I have more of a right to see her than they do. I am her real father after all!" The man shouts loudly causing an anxious feeling to appear in the pit of my stomach, and not because he is shouting but because I recognise the voice of the man who claims to be my father.

The voice of the man I hear everyday at school.

Mr Cunningham.

No this can't be right it's not possible.

He must be lying, there's no way that he could be my father.

My mom never told me much about my biological father and I chose never to ask. Just by seeing her hatred towards him made me hate him just as much.

She never even told me his name, 'the coward' is what she would refer to him as.

I remember the first time I asked my mom about my dad was when I was five years old and curious as to why all my friends had two parents when I just had the one.

And I will never forget her response.

"Why have two parents when you can have one that loves you just as much as two combined?"

After that I grew up not really caring that my dad wasn't around because my mom played the role as both parents.

She was definitely one strong independent women.

Mr Cunningham couldn't possibly be my father.

I'm startled at the sudden movement of my room door swinging open only to reveal Mr Cunningham striding in with nurse Rose following closely behind him.

"Sir like I have said you can't be in here. If you don't leave now I will have to call security." Nurse Rose said, all previous politeness gone.

"Grace." Mr Cunningham sighs ignoring nurse Rose while he stares at me with a look of worry written all over his face.

I don't say anything as I take in his appearance. His normally well groomed hair is now all over the place like he has been pulling at it stressfully, while the dark circles under his eyes indicate that he hasn't slept much recently.


"It's fine nurse Rose." I say quietly making her go silent.

"Are you sure Grace, I can call security." She says.

"No it's ok but thank you." I reply, sending her a small reassuring smile.

"Well I'll just be outside." She says glancing at Mr Cunningham one last time before slowly leaving the room.

I continue to stare at the door not being able to bring myself to look at Mr Cunningham.

"Grace I-"

"Five minutes. I'll give you five minutes to explain." I mutter as I force myself to turn to look at him.

"Grace I want you to know that my intention was never to abandon you and your mother." He says apologetically however if he thinks that a simple apology is going to fix everything then he has another thing coming.

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