Chapter 41

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Grace's POV:

"I want to push her."

"No Lucas you will end up crashing her into a wall or something." Logan mumbles in response.

"What no I wouldn't, I can be a careful." Lucas whines like a toddler.

"Lucas careful isn't in your vocabulary. Do you remember that one time when we had to babysit Henry when mom and dad went out for dinner?" Logan says making Lucas roll his eyes in response.

"Hey it isn't my fault that I forget my own strength sometimes." Lucas says, raising his hands in surrender.

"You gave him a nose bleed." Logan laughs loudly.

"He was the one who wanted to play fight with me in the first place. He had it coming." Lucas mumbles in defeat.

"Guys please can we get going." I say quietly from my position in the wheelchair, the reason why they started arguing in the first place.

"Right sorry, of course we can." Logan says while ruffling my hair playfully. "Can't keep lover boy waiting."

"Haha very funny." I mumble.

"Do you think he'll remember who I am?" Lucas asks as he holds the bed room door open wide enough for Logan to push me through.

"You are pretty forgettable." Logan mutters.

"Wow Logan you sure know how to hurt my feelings." Lucas says as he shuffles along beside Logan.

I can't keep the small grin off my face at their back and forth playful bickering.

I find myself tuning them both out as I feel myself get more and more anxious the further away we get from my room and the closer we get to Matthew's.

I still feel responsible for the accident, if I had just seen the deer in the middle of the road a few seconds quicker then maybe we wouldn't have been in this position.

I don't have much time to dwell on my thoughts as I see us approaching Matt's room.

"Ready?" Logan asks me quietly, giving my shoulder a small squeeze.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I reply, fighting back my smile.

Lucas went ahead knocked on the door a couple of times before entering first.

"Matt my man." Lucas called as he entered the room.

"Hey Lucas, is Grace here?" I hear Matthew ask quietly.

As Logan pushes me into the room the first thing I see is Matthew sitting upright in his bed looking stressed.

As soon as his eyes meet mine the stressed look on his face disappears and is replaced with a wide grin.

"Come here." Is the first thing he says and that's all it takes for the tears the start running down my cheeks. Logan thankfully pushes me over to Matt's bed and helps me get up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

As soon as I'm on the bed Matthew pulls me into his warm embrace.

"I thought I lost you." I mumble into his shoulder.

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