Chapter 25

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Grace's POV:

Today is that one day a year where you get handed gifts and cake from family and friends just for being alive.. which is pretty weird when you think of it. It's not like you had a choice about being born yet it's celebrated as an incredible achievement.

This morning I woke up with a thumping headache most likely due to all the crying that took place last night. I sat in bed for about an hour delaying going downstairs since I didn't want to come face with the sympathetic looks that would most likely get shot my way.

However what took my surprise when I finally dragged myself downstairs was a chorus of 'happy birthdays' from the Adams as they were all gathered around in the kitchen with big grins placed on their faces as they all stood beside a large chocolate covered birthday cake.

I couldn't fight the smile as it made its way to my face. It's been years since someone bought me a birthday cake.

"I know you told us that you don't usually celebrate your birthday but we couldn't not buy you a cake, it's chocolate so I hope you'll like it." Julia chirps excitedly from the middle of the boys.

"Ooo I love chocolate cake." I reply as I walk over to take a closer look at it.

"Who doesn't?" Lucas asks rhetorically as he leans over the cake to swipe his finger on a bit of the chocolate icing.

"LUCAS!" Julia yells as she swats his hand away from the cake.

"Sorry mom." He replies sheepishly.

"Come on sweetheart let's get you some breakfast." Julia says while she puts one arm over my shoulder before gesturing me to go take a seat at the table.

The boys follow my lead by taking their spots at the table smile gently at me as they do.

"We also got you a little something." John speaks up as him and Julia both takes their spots that the table.

"You guys didn't need to buy me anything." I sighed feeling guilty that they would go out their way to buy a present for the foster child.

"Oh honey it's fine, we wanted to buy you something." Julia says happily as she places a small box wrapped in shiny gold paper in front of me.

I could everyone's eyes on me as I continued to look at the present in front of me with a small smile.

"I can open it for you if you want Grace." Henry's voice spoke up from beside me.

"No you won't young boy, Grace can open her present by herself." John said in a strict tone making Henry let out an over dramatic sigh causing me to let out a small giggle.

I hesitantly started picking at the wrapping in one of the corners of the present, releasing an awkward laugh at the feeling of everyone staring at me expectantly.

I let out a gasp as I finished unwrapping the present to see an IPAD box staring back at me. Surely this had to be a prank. Who gives their foster kid an IPAD for their birthday?

"I hope you like it, I got it in gold since I didn't know which colour you would prefer." Julia says interrupting the silence in the room.

"I-I can't possible accept this." I mumble as I look around the table to see confused looks appear on their faces. "This is too expensive." I explain.

"Nonsense, it's only fair since we gave each of our boys one when they started high school to help with their studies." Julia said as if buying your children an IPAD each was a completely normal thing to do. I knew the Adams never struggled with money but who can afford to buy each of their children an IPAD?

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