Chapter 31

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Grace's POV:

Tonight is the night of Matthew and I's date, to say I'm nervous is an understatement and as I was getting ready I couldn't help but do what I happen to do best... overthink.

I over thought every possible scenario that could quite possibly happen tonight.

What if I embarrass myself?
What if my clumsy self trips over and falls flat on my face?
What if Matthew realises he doesn't like me anymore?

I even texted Alison and Nora asking them what if I was making a mistake going out with Matthew, to which Nora replied in all capital letters telling me that I would be an idiot if I was to back out of this date. They then demanded a run down on what I was wearing for the date tonight.

A small knock at my door that I almost never heard is what interrupted me as I was in the process of trying to make my hair look less out of control.

"Who is it?" I call out with my attention still on the mirror in front of me as I spray some hair spray on my hair to hopefully prevent it from going all frizzy half way through the date.

"It's me!" A small voice that I could recognise as Henry shouted from the other side of the door.

"Come in!" I shouted back in return.

I turned around in my seat from in front of my vanity table to watch the door open slowly to see his little head full of floppy curls peak around it.

His eyes searched around my messy room before landing on mine.

"Hi Grace." He said happily before making his way across my room, while dodging the piles of clothes laying on my floor that I had thrown there earlier when deciding what to wear for the date.

Hi Henry." I replied to him as I watched him jump onto my bed.

"You look pretty." He said as he looked over to me.

"Aw thank you Henry." I say as I send him a big toothy smile.

"Are you going on a date with Matthew?" He asks me curiously.

"Um yeah how did you know?" I ask him as I let out a awkward laugh.

"I heard Logan telling William about it earlier." He say as he picks up my eyelash curler that I left lying on my bed.

"Do you remember what they were saying?" I ask him, now curious as to what Logan and William had been talking about.

"Yes." He simply replies as he continues to closely examine my eyelash curler.


"What's this?" He asks as he holds my eyelash curler up.

"My eyelash curler. Now do you remember what they were talking about?" I say as I can feel myself starting to get impatient.

"What is an eyelash curler?" He continues to ask me as he ignores my question.

Seriously what is it with kids and their questions?

"It curls my eye lashes." I reply with a sigh.

"Awwww." He gasps in amazement.

"Now Henry do you happen to remember what Logan and William were talking about?" I continue to ask him hoping that he will answer me this time.

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