Chapter 40

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Grace's POV:

It's been a day since Vivian's visit and it's all I've been able to think about. After hearing her explanation as to why she acted the way she did it made me realise that we aren't much different after all. Although she did grow up with both parents she still had to fight for her fathers attention which she still never got.

"So Vivian is like your sister?" Lucas asks me.

Like me they were utterly shocked when they found out Mr C was my father.

"Half sister." I correct him.

"I can't believe it you guys look nothing a like." Lucas says, in disbelief.

"After talking to her I found out that we have more in common than I originally thought." I say quietly, as I think back to how much she let her guard down around me.

Logan scoffs in response from his position at the foot of my bed. "Like what? The same eye colour?" He mumbles and I don't miss the sharpness to his tone of voice.

I understand that he has a strong hatred towards Vivian but I can't ignore the slight sting that sores through my body at the harshness of his voice.

"No, like how we both basically grew up without a father around." I say a little too defensively.

"Oh come on Grace, you and I both know that she had a perfect childhood." Logan says running a hand through his hair.

I glance towards Lucas for help but he just shrugs in response.

"Logan just because some people's life's look perfect on the outside doesn't mean it's really like that behind closed doors." I say frustratedly.

Seriously what is Logan's problem?

"Grace are you seriously forgetting who out of the two of you grew up with the father." He spits and I can't ignore how much his words hurt me.

"Logan.." Lucas warns.

"It's true Lucas, what do they have in common other than the fact that they share a father?" He mutters.

"Logan I-"

"No, it's fine Lucas he has a point." I interrupt, not giving Lucas a chance to respond. "Your right Logan, yes we both share the same father and yes she was the one who grew up with him but do you know that she spent her whole life getting ignored by our father because he spent all his time trying to track me down." I say as Logan watches me silently. "It was like he forgot that he had a child right in front of him... you know growing up I used to envy kids who had two parents because they got double the attention and love, something that I wished I could have." As I briefly glance at both of them I can't mistake the looks of pity that crosses both their faces. "But what I've come to realise is that you can have two parents yet you can still feel incredibly lonely and that is something I've figured both me and Vivian had in common growing up." I say before falling silent.

I fidget with my hands just wanting one of them to say something.

"I'm glad you guys talked." Lucas says breaking the silence.

I give him a small smile in response for playing peacemaker.

"I'm sorry Grace." Logan sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.

I remain silent allowing him to continue.

"I just feel protective of you, I don't want you to get hurt and Vivian is known for being well a bitch." He mumbles and I can't help but let out a little laugh.

"You know I actually confronted her about her being a bitch." I smirk causing both Lucas and Logan to laugh.

"I would have loved to see her reaction, I can just imagine her getting really defensive about it." Lucas says between laughing.

"I honestly thought that's how she would react too but surprisingly she even agreed with me." I say as Lucas and Logan both share a look of shock with each other.

"Wait she actually agreed with you?" Logan asks and I give a nod in response.

"Wow she really must have changed." Lucas says causing me to laugh.

As I continue to tell them more about Vivian the door to my room swings one revealing a very flushed looking William.

"Guys!" He says breathlessly as his rosy red cheeks shine.

He looks like he has just run a mile.

"Oh hey Will." Lucas says in his chirpy voice.

"Grace have you heard?" Will asks me frantically.

"Have I heard what?" I ask him, confusion most likely evident on my face.

"Matthew he-"

"What about Matthew?" I interrupt him as soon as I hear Matt's name.

A sudden bolt of nerves make their way through my body at the slight mention of Matthew.

"Please tell me he's ok." I beg.

"I just met his mom in the canteen, she told me that he woke up about a hour ago." He says, a big smile making its way on to his face.


Relief is the first thing I feel.

"Is he alright?" Logan asks warily.

William's smile widens more if that's even possible. "That's the best news, he's absolutely fine. She said he was asking for you Grace."

He's fine.

All my prayers have worked.

"Can I go see him?" I ask impatiently.

"The doctors are currently giving him some scans just to double check that he is ok, so his mom said that she will let us know as soon as he is aloud visitors." Will says while taking a seat next to my bed.

I feel a few tears roll down my checks.

"Hey, why you crying for?" Logan asks me in panic as he reaches over to rub my back in a brotherly manner.

"Tear of joy." I mumble as I fail to control the grin making its way on to my face.

"Ugh your such a girl." Logan grunts under his breath making us all fall into laughter.

Matt's ok.

He's really going to be ok.

Hey guys, here's chapter 40 for you all.
Matthew woke up!
Don't worry guys I'm not that mean to kill him off.

What were your thoughts on this chapter?

~Lou :)

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