Chapter 15

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Grace's POV:

"I really don't want to have to being giving out detentions for late reports so please have your reports in for next week at the latest, now scram I want my lunch." Mr Cunningham said as our english period ended by the bell ringing for lunch.

We have just finished reading a sample from Macbeth and now Mr C is making us write a report on it that's due in for next week which I plan on starting as soon as possible so I can get it over and done with or else I will end up forgetting about it.

"I need to rush I have a quick cheer meeting, see you later." Nora says from beside me as I put my english books in my bag.

"Yeh you better go, you don't want to keep the queen waiting." I say, referring to Vivian causing Nora to let out a loud snort before sending me one last wave.

"Bye!" She shouted as I watched her dash out the room, her blonde hair swaying back and forth behind her.

As I start to head out of the classroom I can't help but hear Mr C and Matthew having what sounds like a very heated conversation.

"I'm sorry Matthew but your grades are really dropping." Mr C said as he shuffled through papers on his desk.

"I can bring them up I promise, just please don't tell coach." Matthew replied frantically sounding rather stressed.

"Ok I won't but those grades really need to come up, I suggest getting someone to help you." I heard Mr C sigh.

"Like a tutor?" Matthew asks him.

"Yes." Mr C replies.

Not really wanting to seem nosy I try to discretely walk past them without it seeming like I was listening into their comversation.

"Grace! Just the student I would like to see." I hear Mr C call out to me.

Turning around I see him and Matthew now staring at me.

"Um hi?" I say awkwardly which comes out more as a question than an answer.

"How's the photography coming along? I heard from Leo that you are photographing the football team." Mr C asks me.

"Yeh, it's not too bad so far." I reply feeling Matthew's stare on me making my face heat up.

"That's good, remember you can go along to the photography room any time to edit any photographs." He said while the three of us headed out of the room.

"Will do." I say with a small smile.

"Well have a good day you two and remember what I said Matthew." Mr C said before locking his classroom door and heading down the hall towards the teachers staff room.

Turning around I see that Matthew is still standing staring at me intently.

"C-can I help you?" I ask him nervously not liking how he is smirking down at me.

"I need a favour new girl." He says while looking around each end of the hall way.

"With what?" I ask him having no idea what kind of favour he would need from someone like me.

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