Chapter 13

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Grace's POV:

I was informed excitedly by Julia that once a month on a night where everyone in the house is free they have a 'family night' where they play games or watch films. It's what Julia liked to call a good time for the family to come together to be a family and forget about any problems they may be having in everyday life like work or school.

Tonight was that night.

At first I felt like I would be intruding in on their 'family night' since I wasn't even a member of their family however Julia quickly responded as if she read my thoughts, saying that as long as I would be staying in the Adams household I was considered a member of this family. That thought alone warmed my heart. She almost sounded offended that I didn't consider myself a part of their family which made me feel slightly bad however I refuse to let myself get attached to this family. I was only going to be here for one year.

Henry excitedly told me that we would split into two teams and whatever team wins the games get to choose the movie we'll watch.

John decided on the teams since Lucas and Henry were going to start bickering over, to my surpise, both wanting to be on my team.

I can't remember the last time someone willingly wanted to be on the same team as me.

Once the teams were picked, I was on a team with John, Henry and Logan... much to his dismay.

The first game we decided to play was Mario Kart which was picked out by Lucas who claimed he was the 'king' at the game, his words not mine.

First up was Julia against John and might I say for such a loving couple they were both extremely competitive against one another. John was silent but you could see he was determined to win and Julia well she was one of those people who couldn't keep still while playing Mario Kart, her arms moved in the direction she was going in the game while her head would tilt from side to side. It was rather comical to watch.

It was a close call but Julia managed to take over John in the last few seconds gaining a win and multiple cheers for her team.

"YES MUM!" Lucas cheered sticking his hand in the air for a high five.

"I can't believe I won, I never win at Mario Kart." She beamed doing a cute little victory dance.

"Well done sweetie." John said sending her a loving smile.

"Dad!" Henry wined, drawing John's attention away from his wife. "Your not meant to congratulate the other team."

"Sorry Hezza." John teased using Henry's nickname while leaning over and tickling him.

"DAD.. DAD DAD... S-STOP." Henry wheezed through his laughter.

"John leave my poor baby alone." Julia said while smiling at their silliness.

"Whose going next?" Oliver asks, looking around everyone.

"What about me against Grace?" Lucas says while mischievously raising his eyebrows at me, challenging me.

"Ok." I reply not wanting to back down from the challenge.

"GO GRACE, GO GRACE, GO GRACE." Henry chants making me laugh.

"Be quiet Henry, your giving me a headache." Logan mumbles.

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