Chapter 27

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Matthew's POV:

"Goodnight Grace." I say lowly as I reluctantly let go of her small hand.

"Goodnight Matthew." She whispers back, shyly tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I watch as her petite figure disappears back into her room leaving me with a smile on my face.

I never expected to see Grace when I was downstairs searching for brownies so you can imagine the surprise I got when I saw her standing there with a spatula in hand. It was rather comical as she stood there in an oversized T-shirt with Bambi's face on it paired with a pair of shorts while her red hair was up in a bun on top of her head. She looked like she was trying to be intimidating while holding the spatula above her head however she was far from it.

I actually felt rather nervous admitting my feelings to her since after she pushed me away when we almost kissed at the party last week I just presumed she maybe didn't like me like that, however to my surprise she told me earlier that she felt the same way but she just felt like she would be betraying Lucas and Logan which I totally understand so I told her that I would talk to them.

To be honest though I wasn't sure myself how they would react, they never grew up with a sister so I never got to see their possible protective side but I'm positive that I'll see it when I talk to them later.

As I made my way into the bedroom the twins were still lying sound asleep in the same positions they were in when I left, Lucas lying on the small sofa in the corner of the room and Logan lying on the bed with his back facing towards me while he faced towards the window.

I made my way over to the blow up bed that John gave me to lie on and shifted about on it a bit to get myself comfortable.

The last thing I remember was drifting off to sleep with a certain small red head with green eyes running through my mind.

- - -

A pillow forcefully hitting me in the face followed by laughter is what woke me up with a groan.

"You guys are so annoying." I groan, rubbing my eyes as they adjust to brightness of the day light seeping through the curtains.

"Always fun to wake you Mat." Lucas laughs from his position on the sofa.

"I always anticipate getting woken up first thing in the morning by you Lucas." I mumble in response. "What time is it anyway?" I ask them, feeling like I got barely any sleep last night.

"Ten past ten." Logan mutters while scrolling through his phone.

"This sofa is surprisingly comfy to sleep on." Lucas says as he shifts from lying down to a sitting position.

"Where did you go last night Mat?" Logan curiously asks me while ignoring Lucas.

"How did you know I went anywhere?" I ask him since I was positive he was asleep when I left and arrived back.

"I woke up and you were missing from your bed and then I heard whispering from the hallway and then you entered the room." He says looking at at me with a serious expression.

Great I should have known nothing gets past Logan.

"I was hungry so I went looking those brownies that your mom made." I reply gaining a gasp from Lucas.

"Wait mom told me there wasn't any left." Lucas exclaims dramatically.

"There's still quite a few there." I smirk at him.

"Why would mom lie to me?" Lucas asks looking between me and Logan with shock all over his face.

"Because she knows that you would just eat them all." Logan grumbles in response and I can't help up agree with him.

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