Chapter 16

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Grace's POV:

"So wait let me get this straight, Grace is going to be helping you with english?" Lucas asks Matthew from the front of the car.

Matthew nods his head in return making Lucas burst out laughing leaving me slightly confused.

"What is wrong with that?" I ask Lucas who is trying to catch his breath back from laughing to hard.

"All I can say is good luck Grace this guy barely ever studies and has the attention spam of a gold fish." Lucas said turning around in his seat to face me.

"Your being dramatic Lucas." I say to him rolling my eyes. 

"He's really not, Matt over here hates anything school work related." Logan speaks up from the drivers seat giving me a quick glance in the mirror.

"Hey you guys are ganging up on me, I'm not that bad." Matthew cutely complains from beside me making me smile slightly.

"Even Oliver gets better grades than you." Lucas says pointing to Oliver who is sitting with earphones in at the other side of me, completely in his own world.

"You can't compare me to a 14 year old." Matthew whines by throwing his hands up and slouching in his seat.

"Your sure acting like one." I mean to say in my head but blurt it out instead.

"YES GRACE!" Lucas shouts turning around and putting his hand up for a high five which I return before falling back into a fit of laughter.

I even catch Logan with a small grin on his face.

"Your supposed to be on my side new girl." Matthew says with a small smile on his face while bumping his shoulder against mine in the process.

I send him a cheeky smile in response.

Once Logan parks the car at the bottom of the driveway I follow the boys as they all rush into the house.

"WE'RE HOME." Lucas yells as we make our way through the front door.

"We are in the kitchen." I vaguely hear Julia's voice chirp.

As we enter the kitchen I see Henry sitting at the dinner table doing his homework with Julia and John.

"HI GRACE." Henry shouts from the table making me laugh.

"Hey Henry." I reply sending him a small wave.

"How was school?" Julia asks us all, getting simple answers in response from Logan, Lucas and Oliver who are all now rummaging through the cupboards for food.

"Not too bad." I answer when she looks towards me with a warm smile.

"Thats good." Julia replies as she lightly hits Logan's arm when he reaches for some of her homemade brownies. "Logan those are for dessert. Hi Matthew honey, we haven't seen you in a while." She says as Matthew walks right into her open arms for a hug.

"Hi it's nice to see you guys and yeh Grace is going to be helping me with english." He replies with a genuine smile.

"That's good of you Grace." John said as he comes up to stand beside Julia after giving Matthew a warm smile.

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