Chapter 9

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Grace's POV:

By lunch time I'm starving and feel completely drained I don't think I've ever talked to so many different people in one day, in my last school I used to just keep to myself since my foster siblings wanted nothing to do with me.

"I'm so ready for this day to be over and to be back in my bed." Alison complained from beside me as we walked to the lunch hall.

"You'll be back in your bed soon enough don't worry, you just have to get through two more periods." Nora replied causing Alison to let out an over dramatic sigh.

"I don't know if I can handle a double period of chemistry, it's all so confusing." Alison huffed.

"I'm glad I didn't take chemistry this year." Nora said as we entered the lunch hall heading to the cafeteria to get our lunch.

Once we collected our lunches I followed Nora and Alison through the rows of tables to a table positioned off to the left side of the room beside the large glass windows.

Sitting down I take time to look around the room glancing briefly at each table, one table specifically catching my eye. I could see Logan, Lucas and Matthew sitting at it with a few other boys laughing and joking away with each other while some girls sat beside them trying to get their attention. One of those girls being Vivian Cunningham.

"That's the popular table, they sit at that same table everyday and no one dares to try and take it from them." Alison said after noticing where I was looking.

"Well it actually used to be just the boys table but ever since Vivian got appointed cheer captain she seems to think that she is all high and mighty and deserves to be sitting next to them. I'm not even sure if the boys like her but she can't seem to take a hint." Nora said rolling her eyes.

"And I'm presuming anywhere she goes her minions follow." I said casting my gaze away from the table and back to whats most important. My food.

"Exactly that." Alison mumbles as bits of food fly out her mouth as shes eating causing me to laugh and Nora to shake her head jokingly at her friends table manners.

I take another glance at the popular table and am shocked when I'm met with a pair of familiar bright eyes looking back at me, a smirk automatically appearing on his face. Ugh he's so full of himself.

Matthew sends me a wink, chuckling to himself when he notices me rolling my eyes in response. I don't think anyone at his table notices him chuckling to himself until I see a certain brunette tugging on his arm directing his attention away from me.

I watch Vivian say something to Matthew in which he barely replies looking the least bit interested in what she has to say as his gaze finds mine again causing her to follow his gaze. When I make eye contact with Vivian I automatically feel intimidated as she stares me down, feeling my face start to heat up I quickly avert my attention away from her and back to my friends who are now bickering over some reality tv show.


At the end of the day I say my goodbyes to Nora and Alison letting them know that I'll text them both later and make my way back to the car where Lucas told me to meet them after school.

As I approach the car I only see Oliver standing there leaning against the side of the car with his phone in hand. I awkwardly shuffle up beside him causing him to look up from his phone and smile at me.

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