Chapter 28

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Grace's POV:

I wake up to Nora trying to get Alison to watch some video on her phone that she wouldn't stop cooing at.

"Please just quickly watch it, it's only 16 seconds long." Nora whined as she climbed her way into the bed until she was curled up in between me and Alison.

"I'm not interested in some video of a rat." Alison groans as she tries to pull the duvet up and over her head, however failing due to Nora pulling it back down again.

"It's not just any video of a rat, it's a baby rat sleeping." Nora says in defence.

"Ugh fine lets get it over with." Alison mumbles earning a mini sequel from Nora.

Nora settles her phone in her the middle of her lap so we can all see the screen as she presses play on the video. As the video starts I'll admit the baby rat was adorable but I was more amused by Nora's quiet giggles throughout watching the video.

"So what did you think? It's a cute video right?" Nora asks excitedly while glancing at both me and Alison as she waited for our reactions.

"I'll admit it was pretty cute." I reply earning an enthusiastic nod from Nora.

"Ally?" Nora asks as we both turn to look at Alison for her reaction.

"Yeah it was kinda cute.. but I still don't like rats." Alison mumbled.

"I told you!" Nora squealed as she wiggled herself about in the bed as she tried to get comfortable. "So how was your guys sleep last night?" She asks us more calmer this time.

"Slept like a baby, hey Grace can I like borrow your bed it's so damn comfy." Alison asks me as she lets out a small sigh while throwing her head back into one of the pillows.

"I could tell you enjoyed your sleep by your snoring last night." I say, letting out a small laugh as I think back to how loud she actually snored.

"I don't snore!" Alison exclaimed as she abruptly sat up so she was glaring down at me.

"You do." I tell her gently with a small smile on my face.

I watched as Alison didn't say anything for a few seconds before she turned her gaze towards Nora as she silently asked for her response.

"You do sore pretty loudly." Nora whispers in response.

"Even Matthew could hear you.. but he thought it was me." I say chuckling to myself.

"Wait.. when did you see Matthew?" Alison asks with her full attention on me.

"Um.. I woke up in the middle of the night so I went downstairs and saw him down there getting a drink." I say quietly, hoping they won't ask anymore questions however knowing them I already know they will ask more questions.

"Oooo two teens with undying feelings for one another all alone in the kitchen in the middle of the night when everyone else in the house is still fast asleep, sounds romantic." Alison comments in a movie narrator voice causing Nora to fall into a fit of giggles. "No but seriously did you guys have a steamy make out session?" Alison asks once Nora eventually stops laughing.

"Alison!" I groan throwing my head back and I let out a sigh.

"What? I'm being serious I want all the juicy details." Alison says as she sends a playful wink my way.

"There are no juicy details." I mutter in response.

"There must have been something interesting you guys talked about." Nora asks as she turns over on her side so she is facing me.

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