Chapter 43

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Grace's POV:

"Hey, that was my last slice of pizza!" Alison gasps as Logan steels a slice of pizza from her plate.

"I'm a growing boy I need all the food I can get." Logan mumbled while stuffing the slice into his mouth.

"Well get it from somewhere else." Alison rolled her eyes.

It's been a couple weeks now since I left the hospital and I've been happy to see those two getting along much more, they have even been more playful around one another and it's apparently not just me who has noticed either as a smirk appears on Nora's face as we make eye contact.

"Logan there's literally still pizza left in that box." Matthew points towards the last unopened box of pizza.

"That's Logan's way of flirting, you should know this by now Matt." Lucas says playfully.

Matthew's lets out a low chuckle in response which is like music to my ears. "Logan man, your flirting game is shit."

Matthew got discharged from hospital a couple of days ago, after making an impressively strong recovery according to the doctors although he still has to take it easy which to his dismay means he can't play football for the next couple of months.

"You guys are so irritating." Logan groans.

I glance towards Alison whose face is down causing a couple strands of her hair to fall messily over her face, acting as a shield to hide her embarrassment.

"You guys ready for some games?" John asks us as he strolls into the kitchen.

"Your going down John." Matthew hollers.

"That's what you think Matt." John laughs while pouring some wine into a glass which is probably for Julia.

To celebrate both mine and Matt's recovery Julia and John decided that it was about time to have another family games night and that I could also invite the girls over for a sleep over.

"Dad mom is wondering what's taking you so long with her wine." Oliver asks, peaking his head into the room.

"Honestly that women and her wine." John shakes his head with a smile on his face. "Well I better not keep her waiting, I expect you guys in the living room once you've finished eating so we can get the games rolling." He says before heading out the kitchen.

"We'll be through soon dad." Logan mumbles.

"Stop talking with your mouth full." Alison complains as she playfully hits Logan's arm.

"Your one for talking Ally." Nora scoffs causing me to grin and Alison to stick her tongue out.

They all fall into conversation as I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

I take it out and glance down only to see a message from Vivian, we've been messaging each other more and more over the past couple of weeks and when Julia and John told me that the girls could come over tonight I thought why not invite her too.

Vivian ~ Hey I've just pulled up outside x

Me ~ Great, I'll meet you at the door x

Vivian ~ Are you sure I'm not intruding tonight? x

Me ~ No of course not, don't be silly x

"Who you texting? Got a hot lover boy?" Matthew teases as he bumps his shoulder with mine.

I roll my eyes playfully. "There's only one lover boy in my life and he's right beside me."

"I'm flattered." He smirks.

"It's Vivian, I invited her over." I explain as the door bell rings. "And that'll be her." I say getting up and heading to the door only to see Henry already there.

"Who are you?" I hear him ask.

"Um.. I'm Vivian, Grace invited me." Vivian replies.

I walk up behind Henry and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Hey Vivian why don't you come in, this is Henry." I smile wide at her. "Henry this is Vivian my half sister." I explain to him which causes him to gasp.

"Wait you have a sister?"

"Yes I do." I say as I gesture Vivian to come in.

"So why isn't she staying with us too?" Henry asks curiously.

"It's a long story bud, but she stays with her family." I explain, trying to keep it as simple as possible for him.

"Ahh I guess that makes sense." He hums before running back into the living room.

I smile to myself at his adorable innocence towards the world.

"Oh I didn't realise we were going to be graced by your presence tonight Vivian." Logan says sarcastically.

"Be nice." I say.

"No honestly it's fine Grace." Vivian insists. "I actually need to apologise for being such a bitch to everyone." She sighs.

"Hey we all have our reasons, at least you've come to your senses." Nora says with a smile.

"How can you be so forgiving when I treated you so horribly." Vivian asks in shock.

"We all have our reasons for our actions." Nora shrugs.

"I still can't believe you two are like... siblings." Lucas blurts out as he glances between the two of us.

"Now that I look at the two of them side by side I can see some similarities." Alison says and the others hum in response.

I share a small smile with Vivian.

"Are you guys ready? Dad has the games set up to go." William calls as he pops his head out the living room door.

"Sure are and you can bet I'm gonna beat your ass." Logan hollers back as he charges into the room, the others slowly following behind him.

"Ready?" I ask Vivian as I notice her looking around timidly.

"I think so, I've just never did anything like this before with my mom or dad." She replies quietly.

"Well look at that we have another thing in common, I never had never did anything like this before staying with the Adams either." I say as I nudge her causing her to smile.

As we head into the living room that is already filled with the laugher from all the people who I've come to love I realise how I have everything I need right in front of me.

And for the first time since my mother passed away I can truly say that I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Hey everyone,
I hope everyone who celebrated Christmas had a great time, I'm sorry for the extremely late update I've just been pretty busy with work the past couple of weeks.
Anyways one more chapter to go, how we all feeling?

~Lou :)

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