Chapter 26

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Grace's POV:

I usually get woken up by my alarm or by the birds chirping in the early morning as they sing songs to one another, however neither of them are the reasons why I'm currently lying wide awake at 03.20am. The loud snores coming from Alison who is stretched out on the bed beside me is the reason why I can't get back to sleep.

When we were deciding sleeping arrangements Nora claimed the blow up bed to herself leaving my double bed for me to share with Alison not that it bothered me at the time however now I'm regretting sharing with her.

After staring at the ceiling for what feels like ages I decide to just get up and go get a drink of water since my throat is starting to feel like sandpaper which definitely isn't going to help me get back to sleep anytime soon.

I ever so carefully slide out of the bed trying my hardest not to wake sleeping beauty up from beside me in the process. I then tip toe across my carpeted floor trying to miss the couple of floorboards in front of my wardrobe that tend to creak when you stand on them, not that either of the girls would probably hear them creaking over Alison's loud snoring.

I take one final look behind me to see that I successfully didn't wake up either of them, Alison was still snoring and Nora was still spooning her pillow with her blankets covered right up to her neck so just her head was showing.

I open the door just enough for me to squeeze through until I'm surrounded by the darkness of the hallway. Once my eyesight adjusts to the darkness I shuffle my way along the hallway with one hand feeling along the wall to help me find my way to the stairs. As I finally get to the top of the stairs I notice that one of the lights downstairs had been left on causing it to dimly light up the stairs, making it much more easier for me to see where I was going without tumbling down the stairs.

Once I made it down the stairs safely I made my way into the kitchen, jumping in fright when I saw a figure standing looking in the fridge. Panic overcame me as I reached for the closest object that could possibly be used as a weapon, slowly raising it above my head as the figure started to shut the fridge door. However the panic that filled my body vanished almost as quickly as it came when I came face to face with Matthew.

"Grace? Why are you holding a spatula above your head?" Matthew asked me as his eyes darted between my face and the spatula.

"Umm.. I thought you were a burglar." I awkwardly laugh as I place the spatula back in its original position.

"Well you definitely would have done some damage with a spatula." Matthew chuckles as he runs a hand through his messy hair.

"Hey don't judge a spatula would have been a great weapon." I say defensively.

"Sure you would have definitely knocked me out." He says smugly with his usual lazy smirk on his face.

"What are you doing up at this time anyway?" I ask him trying to swiftly change the subject before I embarrass myself anymore.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replies raising an eyebrow at me.

"I got woken up by Alison's snoring so I decided to come down for a drink." I say as I reach up on my tiptoes to the cupboard that holds the glasses.

"Here let me." Matthew chuckles quietly, stepping in front of me towards the cupboard once seeing me struggle to reach for any of the glasses. "I did hear snoring when I left Logan's room but I just presumed it was coming from you." He said cheekily making me playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Ouch." He whined, rubbing where I hit him.

"Oh come on I didn't hit you that hard." I sigh making him chuckle at my frustration.

"Here you go m'lady." Matthew said in a posh voice, bowing slightly as he held out the glass.

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