Chapter 20

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Grace's POV:

After our almost kiss last night at the waterfall we walked back to the party in awkward silence however my mind was anything but silent. The whole walk back to the party I kept telling myself that I did the right thing by rejecting the kiss however as soon as Matthew's hurt expression flashed in my mind a instant wave of guilt hit me. Possible outcomes of what would have happened if we did kiss wouldn't stop replaying throughout my head the whole 10 minutes walk back sending my head into overdrive. Would he of said it was a mistake? Would he of confessed his undying love for me?
However those thoughts vanished within seconds of seeing Lucas and Logan standing at the doorway of the house, looking around like they were searching for someone.

They were the reason why I backed away from the kiss, I couldn't betray them. They accepted me, a foster kid, into their family. They made me feel like a part of their family, apart of something so foreign to me. Apart of something that doesn't come around everyday for someone like me. Apart of something that I really didn't want to loose anytime soon.

Once their eyes found us walking up the concrete path in the middle of the garden they both came hurdling down the steps to meet us halfway. Once I told them what happened to my dress I couldn't miss the flame of anger flash through their eyes. They only calmed down once Matthew reassured them that he had dealt with Vivian which left me extremely confused. What did he mean by dealt with?

A splash of water hitting me brings me back to the present. Opening my eyes and looking towards the pool I see Lucas smiling evilly up at me as he bobs about in the middle of the crystal clear pool.

"Lucas you got my book wet!" I yell as I shake the book trying to get the water droplets off of it.

When I woke up this morning the sun was beaming down and it was too nice not to sit outside, so I took the luxury of going to the backyard with a book in hand and sat down at one of the loungers beside the pool. I was the first one outside since the others were busy doing their own things inside, so I took the opportunity to make the most of the peacefulness outside. However I should have known that the quietness wouldn't last long.

"Sorry Grace." Lucas said still with his boyish smile placed on his face.

I send him a smile in return before turning my attention back to my book hoping for some peacefulness to resume. 

"Lucas have you been using my new aftershave?" Another voice belonging to William yells from the doorway making me mentally sigh, so much for my peacefulness.

"I only used a little amount for the party last night, Logan used some too." Lucas said defensively while still bobbing about in the middle of the pool.

"Only a little, it's now literally half empty. Do you know how expensive that aftershave was?" William says with anger in his tone, something you don't hear often from William.

I silently sit back and watch as the two brothers argue back and forth, not wanting to get involved.

"Come on Will it's only a little aftershave, you can always buy more." Another voice interrupts William and Lucas. 

"Yeh I'll be buying more but you and Lucas will be paying for it." William says as he turns to face Logan who is now standing at the back door.

"Whatever." Logan mumbles with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Well I'm off to Lily's house. Catch you later Grace." William says sending me a warm smile while ignoring his brothers completely before heading back into the house.

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