Chapter 29

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Grace's POV:

"Hi I'm Grace Smith, I'm here to pick up a gold locket that had been handed in." I say in a polite manner to the office lady otherwise known as Mrs Woods who sat positioned behind her desk within the schools office.

"Oh yes I remember the teacher bringing it along on Friday afternoon and I thought that it was just too beautiful to leave laying around so I locked it away in this drawer to keep it safe." She said while unlocking the padlock before carefully taking out my mother's locket and placing it ever so gently in one of my hands.

"Thank you so much for making sure it was safe, you'll never know how much this locket means to me." I say as I gaze down lovingly at the tiny locket that carries so much meaning.

"It's not a problem dear I'm just glad your reunited with it." She says as she looks up at me from her chair. "Now you better run along, first period will be starting any minute and you don't want to be late." Mrs Woods says to me in a more stricter tone making me nod my head in reply.

As I turn to leave a sudden curious thought pops into my mind causing me to abruptly stop in my steps before turning to face Mrs Woods once again.

She seems to take notice of my abrupt movements as she raises her eyebrows at me in question.

I let out a small awkward laugh before speaking. "I-I forgot to ask, who was the teacher who found my locket?" I finally manage to ask her just as the first bell rings signalling the start of first period.

"Mr Cunningham the English teacher, he told me to take good care of it since it looked like an antique." She answered as she turned her attention back to her computer.

That explains that my locket must have fallen off when I was in English, and talking about English that's what I've got next so I should probably run before I'm late.

"Well thanks again Mrs Woods." I call out as I dash out the door, not waiting long enough for a reply.

As I make it to English I notice that the classroom is only half full meaning that I'm thankfully not too late and Mr Cunningham doesn't even look bothered about the lack of students as his attention is solely his computer.

I need to remember to thank him for finding my locket at the end of the lesson.

I manage to awkwardly squeeze myself past a group of girls who are gathered around a couple of tables gossiping to each other about some celebrities only to see Nora already sitting in her seat scrolling through her phone.

"Hey!" Nora chirps as I fall into the seat next to her.

"Hey." I reply with not as much enthusiasm.

"Did you get your locket?" She asks me since I told her about the locket when I met up with her and Alison this morning.

"Yep, Mrs Woods said that Mr C was the teacher who found it." I say as I glance in his direction to see him still engrossed in his computer.

"Wow that's lucky that he spotted it then." Nora says making me hum in response.

"Alright class quiet down please. I understand no one wants to be doing English first thing on a Monday morning after a weekend so I'll make a deal with you guys, if we get on with my lesson with no interruptions then I'll let you guys have the last fifteen minutes of the lesson to talk amongst yourselves. How does that sound?" Mr C says earning a few loud cheers from some of the boys at the back of the class, Logan and Matthew included.

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