Chapter 11

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Grace's POV:

The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and before I knew it it was already 7pm and I was currently helping Julia to clean up the kitchen after we had just had dinner. The boys had all ran off in their own separate ways and John had went to make sure that Henry was doing his math homework, which according to Julia was a task in itself.

We both fell in a comfortable silence, the only noise being heard coming from the boys upstairs. I turned to look out the windows that overlooked the front yard to admire the sun starting to set behind the trees, the orange tones illuminating the whole kitchen.

"It's beautiful isn't it." I heard Julia say as I could feel her presence from beside me.

"Yeh it really is." I reply back, not being able to tare my eyes away.

"This is my favourite time of the day, on beautiful nights like these I usually sit outside and read a book. It's the only time of the day that I get peace from the boys as they usually go off to do their own things." She says chuckling to herself causing me to look over at her. "Don't get me wrong I love my boys to bits but sometimes when your the only female in a house full of boys it can get a little much." I send her a small smile.

I can only imagine how difficult it must get at times but I can tell how much she loves her sons by the smile that greets her face when she talks about them. Something that I could only long for.

"I hope you are settling in alright." Julia asks me now fully facing me.

"Yes I am, everyone has been so welcoming." I reply getting a smile in return.

"Well if you ever have any problems or issues no matter how big or small, you can come to me anytime. Even if you just want some girly chat, it's definitely needed from time to time in this house hold." Julia says with a chuckle making my heart warm at her kind words.

"Thank you Julia that means a lot." I thank her sending her a smile.

Julia excuses herself to go to the bathroom leaving me in the silence of my own thoughts.

Although I will never admit it out loud Julia reminds me a lot of my mother, I've only known the women for around a week but she's already treating me like the daughter she never had.

My thoughts are quickly pushed away at the sound of footsteps running down the stairs.

"Grace Grace Grace!" Henry yelled as he came skipping into the kitchen, instantly making me smile at his cuteness.

"Henry Henry Henry." I said back making him giggle.

"Do you wanna come watch the Simpsons with me before bed?" He asked me with big eyes.

"Of course." I replied, I had originally planned on just heading up to my room to chill however I couldn't find it in myself to say no to Henry.

"Come on then." He said running out of the kitchen towards to family room.

Laughing to myself I took one last glance out the window to see the moonlight starting to peak through the trees.

Upon entering the family room I saw Henry leaping onto the sofa and Oliver sitting on the other sofa with the remote in hand, once noticing my presence he sent me a smile before looking back at the TV.

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