Chapter 34

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Grace's POV:

It's been a day since I woke up and I still haven't been aloud to see Matthew yet, every time I mention his name the whole room grows silent and I never fail to notice them trying to change the subject every time.

"GRACE GRACE." Henry squeals as he runs into my hospital room with everyone else following behind him.

"HENRY HENRY." I quietly squeal back as he gentle places himself on the end of my bed.

"Be careful Henry, Grace is still recovering." John said in a strict fatherly tone.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me with his adorable little pout.

"My leg is sore but not too bad." I reply as I reach out to playfully poke one of his dimples causing him to fall into a fit of giggles.

"Can I sign your cast?" Henry asks enthusiastically.

I let out a small laugh before replying. "Of course you can."

"Hey Grace, glad to hear your feeling better." William said as he sat down in the seat closest to my bed.

"Thank you Will." I say, sending him a small smile.

"Grace I got you something." Oliver says quietly as he hands me a box of chocolates.

"Aw thank you Oliver." I say unable to wipe the grin off my face at the fact that Oliver, the brother who usually keeps himself to himself and never shows much affection is here giving me a get well soon present.

"We have some good news for you sweetheart." Julia said in excitement which made my ears prick like a dog at that.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"We saw Matthew's parents and they said that the nurses are now allowing Matthew to have visitors." She said as she gently stroked my left arm with her thumb in a calming manner.

"Is he awake?" I ask her hopefully.

The silence that follows in the room leaves me with the answer.

"Not yet but you can still visit him." Julia says quietly.

"I can take you to visit him Grace." Logan says making me look towards him.

"Can we go now?" I ask him getting a nod in return.

After both John and William carefully helped me out of bed and into a wheelchair they told me they were all going to head to the shops to get me some "good food" in Julia's words, leaving Logan to take me along to see Matthew.

Logan pushed my wheelchair along multiple long corridors in peaceful silence as I sat feeling as nervous as ever.

"You looking forward to seeing Matt?" Logan asked quietly, breaking the silence.

"I'm scared Logan." I admit truthfully.

"I know, but he's strong he'll pull through." Logan said as he gave my shoulder a gently squeeze in a caring manner.

All I can do is hope that he'll be ok as we reach his hospital room.

I watch silently as Logan lightly knocks on the door before turning and giving me a reassuring smile as we wait for his parents to come to the door.

Not ten seconds later the door opens revealing a tall man probably around John's age who looks the spitting image as Matthew but just an older version.

"Oh hey Logan and Grace right?" He asks as he smiles down at me.

"Hey Mr Wilson." Logan replies quietly.

"Hi sir." I say nervously as I start to think maybe I should come back later to allow his parents to spend some more time with him.

There's a brief awkward silence between the three of us before Matthew's dad speaks up again.

"Well come on in then." He says as he takes a step back from the door to give us space for my wheelchair.

Logan gently pushes me through the door into the room and my heart sinks even more (if that's possible) at the sight of Matthew lying motionless in a bed in the middle of the room.

A light brown haired lady sitting in the chair beside his bed lifts her head in our direction at the sound of us entering the room.

"Oh honey you must be Grace!" The lady who I'm presuming is Matthew's mom gasped.

"Yes I am." I nod as Logan continues to push my chair until I'm right beside Matthew's bed. "How is he?" I ask as I look at Matthew's expressionless face.

He looks so peaceful, you would almost just think that he is sleeping if you didn't see all the medical tubes attached to his arms or the scars across his face.

"He's in a stable condition, the doctors keep telling us that he will wake up when he wants to wake up. We just have to hope it's sometime soon." She says as she adjusts the blanket that is laying over him a little.

As I take in every single wound that is scattered across his arms and face and all of a sudden flashbacks of the car skidding across the road fill my mind causing fresh tears to fill my eyes.

"I'm getting kind of hungry, I think we should head down to the cafeteria for a little while." Matthew's dad says to Matthew's mom.

"I've heard they do good sandwiches." His mom says as she gets up from her chair slowly but not before leaning over to place a kiss of Matthew's forehead.

His mom sends me a warm smile before following his dad out of the room, I wouldn't have guessed they were divorced if Matthew had not already told me.

"Please wake up soon Matt." Logan mutters as he stares at Matthew. "I'll leave you alone with him for a bit." He says as he turns to face me but the lump in my throat stops me from getting any words out but I know Logan understands as he leans over and messes up my hair playfully to lighten the mood before he slowly exits the room leaving me and Matthew alone.

Silence fills the room as I glance down a Matthew's pale face, the only noise coming from his heart monitor.

"Hey Matt, it's me Grace." I say quietly, I've heard sometimes when people are in commas that they can still hear voices and sounds and right now I'm hoping that's true.

I gently cup his right hand in between both of mine and lighting caress the back of his hand with my thumb.

"E-everyone is waiting for you to wake up, even your parents who are being civil with each other which I know you would be surprised by. E-everyone keeps telling me to be strong and that you will wake up soon but seeing you here with all these wires attached to your body, I-I'm finding it really hard. I've always hated hospitals, every time I've been at a hospital something bad happens. One of my first memories of being at a hospital was when my mom was diagnosed with c-cancer and the last time I was at a hospital my m-mom died. So w-what I'm trying to s-say is please just w-wake up. I-I n-need you Ma-Matthew." By the end of my speech cold fresh tears were streaming down my warm cheeks, and I couldn't control the hiccuping between the small gasps that came from my mouth.

I continued to sit there looking at Matthew as the tears continued to stream down my face, waiting for him to wake up any second however much to my dismay that second never came.

Hey everyone sorry for the late update, I've been pretty busy this past week so didn't have a lot of time to write but finally I have finished this chapter!
So Grace finally got to see Matthew what do you guys think will happen next?
Also you guys will be happy to know that the next chapter will be in Logan's POV.



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