Chapter 33

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Grace's POV:

"I hope she wakes up soon." I vaguely hear a voice mumble in the distance.

"She will she's a strong girl." Another voice replies.

A weird feeling ignites throughout my body as I feel like I recognise both of the voices.

"I feel like we have failed her, we were supposed to protect her that's what brothers do when they have sisters." The first voice says and that's when it clicks in my head. That is Logan's voice that is speaking.

"I know how you feel but we couldn't have done anything, it was a freak accident." The other voice replies which I now recognise as Lucas.

I can hear their conversation clearly but I feel numb, it feels like there's this great pressure weighing down on my body making me unable to move. I feel myself moving my eyes but I can't seem to open them, all I see is darkness.

I try my hardest to open my eyes but I make no progress as they feel like they have been glued shut.

Come on Grace pull yourself together.

I use all of the little bit of energy that is left in me to try pry my eyes open but it's no use, my eyelids won't peel apart at all as the darkness continues to consume me.

I feel the small amount of energy left in me disappearing more and more every minute but that doesn't stop me from trying my hardest to open my eyes.

I manage to cling to the last bit of energy left within my body to enable my eyes to flutter open ever so slowly.

My eyes are immediately met with a bright fluorescent light shining down into my pupils making me immediately squeeze my eyes shut again due to the brightness.

I let out a groan as I attempt to lift my hand to rub my eyes however failing when I'm unable to gather enough energy within me to move my hand.

"GRACE!" I hear someone let out a yell upon seeing my struggle, which only makes me groan when the loud yell echoes through my sensitive ears.

"Lucas go get a nurse and tell mom and dad." I vaguely hear Logan instruct Lucas.

Once my eyes adjust to the bright lights shining down on me I manage to focus my eyes on Logan who is now standing beside me.

"Grace can you hear me?" He asks looking at me in concern.

"L-Logan." I manage to stutter out quietly.

"Oh here have a drink you must be thirsty." He says quickly as he reaches over to fetch a cup of water that is sitting on a small table beside the bed.

He helps me into a sitting position before carefully handing me the cup.

I gladly accept it, gulping it down as my throat straight away starts to feel less and less rough.

"T-thank you." I mumble as I try to place the cup back on the table with shaking hands.

Logan politely takes the cup from my jittering hands before I drop it.

I try to move my body in an effort to get into a more comfortable position however as soon as I faintly move my body waves of pain shoot through my body from head to toe.

"Hey Lucas is just going to get a nurse, try to stay as still as possible." Logan urges as he places his hands gently on my shoulders in an attempt to keep me still.

Not a second after Logan has said that the door swings open revealing a nurse walking into the room frantically with Lucas, John and Julia trailing behind her.

"Oh Grace sweetie I'm so glad your ok." Julia cries as she comes to stand next to me, caressing my hand in hers in a motherly manner.

I give her a weak smile in response.

"Hi Grace, I'm Mary and I will be your nurse for the time being now how are you feeling?" The friendly looking nurse asked me with a warm smile.

"My head hurts and my legs." I tell her.

"That's expected you broke your leg so I'm afraid you'll be in this cast for a while, I'll go get you some painkillers to help deal with the pain." She said as she scribbled down notes onto a clipboard before making her way out the room.

"I'm glad your awake Grace."Lucas says cheerfully as he takes a seat on the bottom of my bed.

"You had us all worried kiddo." John says gently making me give him a small smile. "Do you remember what happened?" He asks me and I see all of them paying close attention to me.

"W-we were on our way home and t-there was a deer in the middle of the road and Matthew swerved the car to try and miss it but he lost control of the car and the car just went spinning and spinning until we crashed into something." I quickly stuttered.

A horrible sick feeling settled in my stomach as I relived the car crash in my head as I told them and that's when it hit me.


"Where's M-Matthew?" I frantically ask, looking at each of them for some sort of answer but it never comes.

Nerves start to grow in my stomach as they all avoid eye contact with me whenever I look towards any of them.

"Is he ok?" I persist.

"Grace he's currently in a coma." Julia says gently as she continues to caress my hand in comfort.

I feel my heart sink in my chest.

"But h-he'll be ok right?" I ask them as I feel my bottom lip quiver slightly.

"He's a strong boy." John answers when nobody else does but he still doesn't directly answer my question.

"C-can I go see him?" I ask as I feel the tears fill up my eyes.

"Let's just wait for the nurse to come give you your painkillers and then we'll see if we can take you along to visit him." John says and I know better than to argue with him.

I've come to realisation that what John says is final.

Hey guys, here's chapter 33 I hope you guys liked it!
Grace will visit Matthew in the next chapter, how do you think it will go?
Thanks again for all the support, 41K reads is insane!

~Lou :)

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