Chapter 22

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Grace's POV: 

It is Thursday now so it has been a few days since my lovely chat with Vivian and thankfully I haven't had a one on one encounter with her since, probably because I have been making sure to avoid her at all costs. 

The thought of her revealing my secret to the rest of the school has not stopped running through my mind these past few days, I even had a horrible dream last night that she stood up on her table during lunch time and told the entire cafeteria that I was in fostercare and the worst part was that everyone started laughing at me including Alison and Nora. 

I know deep down that Alison and Nora won't care that I'm in fostercare but since that dream all I can think about is them feeling embarrassed by me and that thought alone makes me feel sick. 

What doesn't help on top of all of this is that my birthday is in two days time which for many people would be an exciting time however for me that means tomorrow it will be five years since  my mothers death. Five years since I said goodbye to my bestfriend. All I want to do tomorrow is curl up in bed and sleep the day away however unfortunately tomorrow is Friday which means that I have to get through one more day of school until I can curl back up in bed. 

I reach over to pick up the red velvet box that is place on top of my bed side table, opening it to glance down at the one thing I have left of my mom. Her locket. 

I open the locket to face a picture of six year old me and my mother at the beach. The picture could tell a thousand words. I hate to admit that I envy the six year old smiling back at me, oh how innocent I looked. If only I knew back then what the future would hold, actually scrap that I'm glad I never knew what the future would hold. I'm glad I never knew that I would have to say goodbye to my mom so soon. 

"Knock knock, is it ok if I come in?" I hear a gentle voice ask from the other side of my bedroom door. 

"Yes it's fine." I say clearing my throat and wiping away the few tears that escaped my eyes hoping to god that my mascara isn't smudged over my cheeks.

I watch as the door slowly opens revealing Julia dressed in her tartan pyjamas with her hair in a bun on the top of her head looking like she is about to go to bed. She walks over to me and takes a seat at the end of my bed with her usual warm smile placed on her face. 

"Hey sweetheart, I just thought I would give you a little visit before heading off to bed since I've noticed that you have been rather quiet these past few days. You know I'm here anytime you need to talk even if it's at three in the morning I'm always here." She said to me with a warm smile. 

 These past few days I have been trying so hard not to make it obvious to everyone around me that I've been feeling down and I seriously thought I was doing a good job at it however I'm actually not surprised Julia picked up on it. She has that weird motherly instict where she seems to know or find out everything. For example just yesterday she knew that out of everyone in the house that Lucas was the one who had been stealing the cookies she made for the new neighbours who have moved in across the street, all because he stupidly left a trail of crumbs up to his room.

Therefore I knew there was no point hiding what I was feeling from her. 

"It's just that tomorrow is the anniversary of my mom's death." I say quietly as my attention falls onto light pink blanket that I have placed over my lap. 

"Oh honey, I know that theres no point in me saying sorry since that won't change anything. Is there anything you would like to do tomorrow?" Julia says with a sad smile and I'm glad that she didn't feel the need to pity me. 

"Would it be ok if I stop by the shops tomorrow to buy some sunflowers? They were my mothers favourite flowers.. if not then its ok I-" I ask hesitantly but Julia is quick to interrupt me. 

"Of course I think thats a wonderful idea sunflowers are beautiful, although I do have one conditon." Julia says as I tilt me head slightly in confusion.  

"Thank you and what is the conditon?" I ask her as she grins at me. 

"That I can go with you. I'll have you know I used to be a florist when I was younger so if anyone is an expert when it comes to buying flowers I'm your women." She says. 

"Wait, you used to be a florist?" I ask her. 

"Yes I was a florist for around 5 years." She replies with a small smile. 

"That explains why theres always beautiful flowers in the vase on the kitchen counter." I say as I watch Julia's smile widen as she nods her head. 

"Bingo, so I can come with you?" She asks me making me let out a small laugh. 

"Yes." I reply as I let out a small sigh.

"Great we can go when you get home from school tomorrow." Julia says as starts to stand up from my bed. "I know you said that you don't like to celebrate your birthday but if you would like to your more than welcome to have your two friends over to stay the night." She says taking me by surprise. 

"I'll think about it." I reply sending her a small smile.

"That's all I ask. I forgot to say earlier but you look just like your mom." Julia says nodding down towards the open locket still sat in my hands. 

"Thank you Julia... for everything." I say quietly as I do my best to hold the tears in. 

"You try to get a good nights sleep ok, I'll make sure the boys won't bother you tomorrow." She says smiling down at me as she gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze before turning around to leave.

"Good night." I say to her as she leaves my room. 

I take one final look at my locket before putting it back in its box and placing it back on my bedside table. 

Since my mothers death I had made a deal with myself to not celebrate my birthday as I thought that it would be bad of me to celebrate when I should really be spending that time thinking of my mom, however I feel like this year should be different. So before I give myself time to overthink my decision I find myself taking out my phone and sending a text to Alison and Nora. 

Grace - Hey guys, I wasn't planning on doing much for my birthday however Julia said that you guys could stay the night on Saturday if you would like. Let me know if your up for it x

Nora - hell yess sounds like it will be fun x

Alison - yeh I'm up for it, as long as I don't have to see Logan too much x 

Grace - awesome! And don't worry Ally I'll make sure they stay out our way x

Alison - Thanks Grace, I'll make sure to bring a lot of snacks x

Nora - Can always count of Alison for the snacks x

I try to ignore the feeling of guilt in the bottom of my stomach. Am I being a horrible daughter for   celebrating my birthday? No my mom would be happy that I finally have people to celebrate it with now. This year is already so different to what I'm used to and I'm loving every minute of it. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, 

I hope you all liked this chapter, let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

I promise next chapter will be a longer and more eventfull chapter.

And if you have time don't forget to check out my other book I'm currently writing The Mysterious Maxwells!

~Lou :) 

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