Chapter 10

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Grace's POV:

I nervously adjust my bag on my shoulder as I stare up at the colourful poster with the words PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB stuck up on the door. I could hear some voices from inside the room as I stood there debating whether to knock on the door or to just enter the room.

Before I get a chance to make a decision the door opens revealing a boy with fluffy looking blonde hair with a camera hanging around his neck. He doesn't notice me at first but once he does he looks at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Can I help you?" The boy asks me still standing in the doorway looking scared to step any closer to me.

"Is this where the photography club is?" I ask him mentally cursing myself as I watch him look up to the poster on the door causing me to let out a nervous chuckle. After a small awkward silence I clear my throat watching him as he stares back at me with very little emotion. "I heard they are looking for new members." I say while holding up the leaflet that I got from Mr Cunningham yesterday.

"You're wanting to join?" He asks me looking extremely confused while quickly peeking out of the doorway and looking in both directions of the hall way.

"Yes, I was told by Mr Cunningham yesterday to come to the meeting today." I reply sending him a small smile.

"If this is some sort of prank, it's not funny." He says rather hostile causing me to frown. Why would he think I was pranking him?

"No I'm seriously wanting to join the club." I said to him causing him to look at me more carefully as if he was trying to read my mind making me feel slightly self conscious.

"Is someone at the door Leo?" A voice asks from in the room which I recognise as Mr Cunningham's voice.

The fluffy haired boy who I'm guessing is Leo turns slowly to look back into the room. "Some girl claiming she wants to join the club." Leo says turning back around to face me with once again a neutral face.

I hear a lot of shuffling about front behind him until Mr Cunningham appears at the door a wide smile greeting his face once he sees me making me feel slightly less nervous.

"Grace I'm glad you've decided to join." He says rather enthusiastically while I watch Leo quickly disappear back into the room without sparing me a glance. Mr Cunningham must have sensed my confusion as he said, "Don't mind Leo, we haven't had anyone new wanting to join the club in over 3 years so it's a little bit of a shock. Now do come in I'll introduce you to the rest of the team." He says gesturing me to enter the room.

As I entered the room I was expecting to see a group of students but instead was greeted with only 4 students and one of them being Leo who I've already met. Surely this isn't the whole club.

"This is the team Leo, Mark, Dan and Morgan." Mr Cunningham said pointing towards the four students. "Team this is Grace, she's going to be joining."

"Hi." I said to them giving them all a small wave, sadly none of them responded with as nice of a greeting instead just silently staring back at me. Ok we're off to a great start.

"Right, well lets gather around and discuss what we will be up to." Mr Cunningham said breaking the awkward silence.

I go over and take a seat in one of the empty seats next to the girl, Morgan. I slyly glance at her only to find her staring back at me causing me to send her a small smile in which she returns before turning back to face Mr Cunningham.

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