Chapter 8

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Grace's POV:

After a ten minute drive we arrive at the school, I look out the front window from my seat to see students everywhere, seriously how big a population did this town have?

I look down at my phone to see I have a new message from Alison telling me that she is waiting for me by the front doors, I reply back telling her I'll be there in a couple minutes.

"Come on Grace I'll take you to the office to get your schedule." Lucas says to me as we get out of the car.

"It's fine my friend is going to take me." I reply looking towards the entrance to the school for any sign of Alison.

"Check you out, miss popular." Matthew says jokingly, making me let out a small laugh.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asks me again, making me nod in reply.

"She's fine, lets go." Logan groans impatiently coming towards us from the other side of the car.

"Chill man." Matthew says shaking his head at his friend. "See you around new girl." He shouts to me as he walks away towards a group of boys with Logan.

Oliver bids us a good bye as he runs off to join a few boys around his age while I walk towards the entrance with Lucas since he said he will be meeting his friends inside. As we are walking I can't help but notice a few students glancing in our direction or more likely at me since I'm the 'new girl'.

As we reach the entrance I see Alison standing against the wall with a shocked look on her face as she watches us walking towards her making me slightly confused, she gets up from her place at the wall and walks down to meet me.

"Hey Grace." She says to me, sending me a smile.

"Hey Ally." I reply back, almost forgetting Lucas is still standing behind me.

"Well I see you're in safe hands so I'll see you later, hopefully we are in some classes together. If I don't see you make sure to meet us back at the car at the end of school." Lucas says to me in the same caring tone as he talks to his other siblings making me innerly smile at his kindness. "Bye girls." He says as he walks away.

"Damn girl, you didn't tell me you were getting a ride with the whole crew." Alison says with a chuckle.

"It's no big deal." I reply glancing around to still see a few eyes on us.

"Maybe not to you or me but it kinda is a big deal for some people in our school, it's not everyday they see the most popular guys giving the new girl a ride to school. Did you not see the stares you were getting from students back there?" She says as she glances behind us.

"I thought they were just looking at me since I'm new here." I say nervously.

"Don't worry about it too much, it's just because the majority of this school worship those boys. Lets get you to the office before school starts." She said guiding me into the building.

After walking through many long halls we finally make it to a door with the word office above it. Opening the door I see an elderly lady with greying hair sitting behind a desk she looks up over her glasses and smiles gently at us.

"Hi Mrs Woods, we're here to collect Grace's schedule since it's her first day."Alison says and she walks up to the desk, me following closely behind her.

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