Chapter 39

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Grace's POV:

It's been a couple days since my encounter with my father and I can't stop thinking about it. The boys and girls have all been visiting me these past couple of days, I'm guessing to try and take my mind off my father however as much as they tried I just couldn't stop thinking about him. One minute I wanted to give him a chance to hear him out and then the next minute I wished I could just yell in his face.

The only positive thing that has been on my mind is that Julia told me she was talking to Matthew's mom and she said that the doctors have high hopes for him waking up soon. All I can do is hope that they are right.

"Miss Grace?" Nurse Mary calls as she peaks into my room.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You have a visitor." She tells me leaving me confused because Julia and John just left with the boys not long ago. "A young girl by the name of Vivian." Mary continues making my curiosity spark.

Wait what?

Why is she here? I know she's technically my sister now, but I didn't expect her to come visit me, I thought she hated my guts.

"You can let her in." I find myself saying before I can stop myself.

This is either going to go one way or another.

"Will do." Nurse Mary says sending me a warm smile before disappearing out of the room leaving me once again alone in the silence of my room.

I begin to think that maybe Vivian has changed her mind as minutes go by and there's still not sign of her however a small knock on the door breaks me from my thoughts.

"Come in." I call out.

A sudden wave of nerves fill my stomach as I watch her walk in the room, unsure if she's going to shout at me or what.

She made her way across the room until she's standing at the end of my bed.

I watched her run a hand through her long brown locks of hair, what I picked up must have been a nervous habit.

"Grace I'm sorry." She admits quietly, taking me by surprise.

"For what?" I ask her even though I know she has a lot to apologise for I want to hear her say what exactly she's sorry for.

"Everything, for all those horrible comments I aimed at you. I-I just can't believe how much of a bitch I was." She said with a sigh.

"Yeh you were a bitch, not just to me though. You were persistently mean to Nora and even the members of the photography club. I just don't get why?" I ask her because out of everything that's the one question that still confuses me.

I don't miss Vivian letting out a small chuckle quietly.

"I don't see what's so funny about that?" I say bitterly.

"It's going to sound pathetic." She muttered.

I raise an eyebrow and stay silent, waiting for her to carry on.

"I was jealous." She sighs as she goes back to playing with her hair.

"Wait.. you were what?" I ask in shock not expecting her to say that.

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