Chapter 02

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I walked through the halls examining every student's face searching for that particular one that I had seen yesterday at the coffee shop. Deep down inside I knew she was in this same school. I have seen her here but never noticed her. I did not know why I wanted to make sure she was here. To my luck, I failed to find her.

The bell for the first period rang and I went to my Art class. As I entered, I quickly searched through the faces of student sitting there. Was she in my class? Again, no luck. 

"For today, your task is to roughly doodle what's on your mind." Mrs. Abbots said.

Without thinking, I started doodling. I wasn't even paying attention to what I was drawing ; A girl sitting next to window with a book in front of her face. 

During the rest of my class I kept looking back and forth, on which Mrs. Abbots inquired why I was behaving in such a way.

"Who are you looking for, dear?" She asked being concerned.

"Uh, a friend of mine." I smiled. 

"But I'm sitting right here, mate." I heard Zayn say from behind me.

"Oh, there you are. I thought you didn't come to class today." I lied and he gave a perplexed look.

I spent the rest of the day searching for her in each of my periods but I could not find her. Was she even here? She could be, after all it's a big school. 

After school, the boys made plans for having lunch at our favourite restaurant but I refused saying I needed to go home in order to get some rest before our practice. But instead, I went to that coffee shop. For a moment, I thought I was stupid to go back there just to see her even when I was not sure whether she will be there or not. 

As soon as I stepped in, the smell of caffeine filled in my lungs. I moved my head in the direction of where she sat yesterday and there, I found her. She was sitting in the same booth as yesterday. Walking over to where I sat the day before with my friends, I was alone this time.

She had a laptop in front of her face instead of a book, a pair of glasses settled on her nose, a mug of dark coffee at her side while she typed swiftly. She would type, then take a sip of her coffee, scrunch her nose, which I found really adorable, and then start typing again. 

The barista girl from yesterday appeared in front of me. 

"Hi there, what would you like to have?" She chirped. 

"Uh... just a latte." I replied. 

"You are here alone?" She asked.

"Do you see anyone with me?" I said completely irritated by her. 

She chuckled like if I was being funny. 

"No, I'll bring your latte." She walked back towards the counter.

A few minutes later, she came back with my order. 

"Do you need anything else?" She asked.

"No, thanks." I replied as gently as possible. 

I took a sip of my latte and looked at her again. She banged a key, sighed heavily and rubbed her hands together. It looked like she was done with her work. She then took a sip of her coffee and stared out of the window, the late summer sun hitting her eyes.  

I looked at my watch and realised I needed to go for game practice. I finished my drink, payed the bill and then left the shop.

During practise,  I could not focus because I was really tired and my brain kept going to her. I looked around at the bleachers expecting her to be there but she was not, instead, I got hand waves from the cheerleaders who were practising there.

"Hey, man. What's wrong? I can see that you are not focused on the game." Zayn said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Just a little tired." I said while drinking my water.

"Looks like someone didn't get enough rest today." Liam approached me.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied.

"You were acting weird in class today." Zayn said.

"No I was not, I did not see you there that's why I asked." I replied immediately.

As soon, as the practise was over, I went home, took a shower and collapsed on my bed.

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