Chapter 31

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I have been losing a lot of sleep lately due to those nightmares where I am being chased by someone and I did not intend on telling Harry about it anytime soon because I just did not want to bother him. He had done a lot for me and I just felt bad that I could not be a normal girlfriend to him.

I woke up from the same nightmare- being chased by someone. I knew this was a sign and I had to tell someone in order to interpret its meaning, but yet again, I let it go.

At school, I met up with Harry who asked me about how I was doing and I did the usual- lied. Even though I felt bad for lying to him, him and I both knew that he knew that I lied. But he never said anything because he understood me.

As we were walking in the corridor, I felt his hand lightly brush the skin at the back of my hand and then a second later he slid it in mine lacing our fingers together.  I felt energy rush into my body through the hand which he was holding. Looking up, I caught him smiling down at me.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I whispered to him.

"Just holding my girlfriend's hand." He replied casually.

"You do realise that we are in school. Right?" I taunted.

"Why? As far as I know, it's not a crime to hold your girl's hand in school criteria." He smirked.
I shook my head.

Just then, I saw Taylor coming towards us. She stopped right in front of us blocking our way.

"So, you are still with this witch?" She asked Harry while rolling her eyes at me.

Anger boiled in me and I squeezed Harry's hand so tightly that I did not realise my nails were digging in his palm.

"We don't have time for your BS. Go away." Harry replied.

"Just exactly what do you even see in her?" She managed to keep the conversation going.

"Something that I don't see in you or anyone else." He replied one more time.

"That's something a person whose enchanted would say. No wonder she used magic on you-"

"Just go away." Harry raised his voice.

With every growing second, I was loosing patience and my rage was increasing. I just wanted her to trip in front of everyone. 

"Whatever." She said.

The moment she started walking, her foot twisted and she fell. Laughter roared in the corridor and people were staring at her. Just then I realised what I had done. Letting go off Harry's hand, I ran outside the school's building and into the lawn. I stopped near a tree and started crying madly. As expected, Harry followed me outside. 

"Elise..." He said slowly.

"It was me." I managed to speak in between sobs.

"What?" He asked.

"It was me, Harry. I made her fall. I used my powers against her. I don't know how it happened. I lost control of myself and made her fall. It was me." I said bursting into sobs.

He came up to me and pulled me into a hug. I cried while digging my head in his chest.

"It's okay, Elise. You will manage it, I know you can do this. It was nothing serious." He tried to comfort me.

"But I still used my powers for evil." I pulled away from him.

"It's okay, Elise. You'll soon be able to control them, I know you will." He said wiping away my tears.

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