Chapter 50

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Going on a date with her after so long was nice. In that moment, I was really happy that she was next to me, but as soon as I was alone, my thoughts started to haunt me. I knew Chris and Cam were keeping an eye on her activities and I was afraid that if she accidentally uses her powers, they would kill her right there.

The reason for her such high powers were still unknown and we had yet to confront her parents on this issue. The night went by as I laid in bed, wide awake, thinking about her. I could not wait to see her face again in the morning at school. When I was next to her, I would forget everything and just be happy. But when she was away, I used to get sad and worried. 

The morning  came by as the sun shone through my window. The calm autumn breeze made the curtains fly and the trees shed their leaves. As I walked through the hallway of the school's building, I saw her face, shining brighter than the sun, itself. She saw me and came running towards me with open arms. As she approached me, I embraced her in a hug.

"Hi. How are you?" She asked cheerfully.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You know? Last night I saw you in my dreams." She said excitedly.

"Really? What was I doing there?" I asked.

"I don't remember exactly." She said looking down at her feet. "But I saw you." She looked up at me smiling and I pinched her cheek.

"Good to know." I said.


Later that day, in break time, I pulled her out of the school's building and took her to sit under the tree. 

"What are you doing, Harry?" She asked.

"I wanted to be with you alone." I told her. "Is that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. But you didn't have to pull me out of the school's building like that." She said sitting down crossed leg.

I sat down next to her and held her hand. She rested her head on my shoulder and we sat there in silence. I was happy to have her by my side and wished I could freeze that moment. I never wanted her to leave. After a very long silence, I asked her.

"What would you do if someone told you that you are going to die?" 

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked into my eyes, smiling.

"I would kiss you until I die." She said softly.

Inside, it felt like my heart was being stabbed. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, but I held them back and kissed her deeply. I kissed her until we ran out of breath. Tears finally rolled down my cheeks and I started crying right there in front of her. She sat there in silence looking at me, with a sad look on her face. She then gently wiped away my tears with her hands.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

I could not reply her as my voice was choked, so I nodded my head.

"Do you want a hug?" She asked extending her arms out.

Without saying a word, I hugged her. I hugged tightly while she lightly patted my back. I knew I was crushing her and she was having difficulty in breathing but she did not complain. I stayed like this for a few minutes and then broke away from the hug. I looked at her face, she also had tears in her eyes. I realised that I was making her sad too.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"It's okay." She smiled at me with teary eyes.

"I shouldn't have asked that question. It made me a bit emotional." I said and she laughed.

"It's okay." She said again.

Just then, the bell rang and with that, our recess was over. I wish it could have continued for a little while longer as I did not want to leave her.

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