Chapter 36

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There was a knock at our door. I opened it up to find Mr.Park standing on our porch with Mrs.Park and Elise. 

"Styles." He said.

"Mr.Park. Please come in." I invited them inside.

They all walked inside and I saw Elise holding a duffel bag. As soon as I closed the door, I grabbed Elise by her arm to stop her. When Her parents had seated them in the lounge, I asked her what was this all about.

"My parents are going away to Turkey for some work and they have decided to leave me at your place." She said.

"What? Really?" I asked getting excited.

She nodded her head in a 'yes' and we both went in to the lounge. Soon, my mom came and we all seated ourselves on the sofas.

"It's pleasure to see you guys again. Don't worry about Elise, we'll take great care of her. You should go tension-free and come back when you are done with your work. Til then, Elise is our responsibility." My mom said.

"What? You already knew about it?" I asked getting surprised.

"Yes honey, we talked over the phone about it." She replied.

"Thank you very much, Anne. I'm sure Harry will take great care of our daughter." Mrs.Park said.

"I sure will." I assured them.

"We have to leave now as we have our flight in a few hours." Mr.Park said.

"I'll just go put her stuff in my room and come back to drop you off at the airport." I told them and took Elise's bag from her.

"Wait." Mr.Park said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you have a spare room in your house?" He asked my mom.

"Yes, we do have many and I even got one ready for her." My mom said.

"Then put her stuff in that room. Not yours." Mr.Park gave me a cold look.

"Yes sir." I said and ran up stairs to put her stuff in the guest room which was next to mine.


"Take care of yourself. We will be back soon." Mr.Park told Elise and then kissed her forehead.

"I will." She said.

"You." He pointed towards me.

"Me?" I asked confirming.

"Yes, you. Come here." He said.

I went up to him. He put his arm on my shoulder and we walked away from Mrs.Park and Elise.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm leaving my daughter as your responsibility. Take good care of her. We won't be back til her birthday and it might be that we won't be able to come back before she gains her full powers. If anything happens to her, remember what I told you." He gave me a warning look.

"I'm going to protect her with my life." I told him firmly.

"I hope you keep your word." He said.

"I will." I assured him.

"And also, remember you are not married to my daughter, so don't do any couple things with her. If I find out that you were sharing rooms with her while I was gone, you are a dead meat." He gave me one last warning.

"Okay." I agreed and then we walked back to where Elise and her mother was standing.

"If you are done threatening your daughter's boyfriend, can we go now?" Mrs.Park asked.

"Seriously dad?" Elise said.

"What? I wasn't threatening him. I was just making sure that he understood everything I told him." He replied.

"I did." I smiled at Elise.

"Good." He said to me. " We will go now, take care of my daughter. Bye." He said.

"Bye mom, bye dad." Elise waved at them as they walked in.

As soon as they were out of sight, Elise asked me about what her dad said to me.

"Your dad scares." I said.

"He loves his daughter so much. He had to do it." She laughed.

"But I'm really excited that you will be staying at my house. We will do a lot of fun things together." I said.

"Yes. It's going to be really fun." She said.

"Let's go." I told her.

Then we drove back to my house.

We spent the days together. After school, I would drop her off at Mavis's. When I picked her up from there, we would go back to my house and study for sometime. After that, we would spend our time together watching Horror movies. We both even decorated my house together for Halloween. Also, I had to plan a birthday surprise for her as it was in a week, plus, had to buy a special gift for her as well.


"Come on Harry!! It's going to start." I heard her shout from the TV lounge as I was in the kitchen finding a bowl to put some popcorn in.

"Coming!." I shouted back.

I found the bowl and poured the popcorn in it. Then I went into the TV lounge.

"I cannot believe you wanted to watch Lights Out. It's not even that scary." She said to me.

"None of them are. We are just watching them for fun." I said.

Halfway through the movie, I felt Elise's hand slip out of mine and I knew that she had fallen asleep. It was 1 a.m. in the morning. I turned off the TV and put the bowl of popcorn aside. At first, I thought that I should pick her up and take her to her room but then, I thought the couch was big enough for the two of us to sleep on. So, I picked her up and laid her down in such a position where she could sleep comfortably, then I lay down next to her so that she was safe and would not fall during her sleep. She looked so peaceful. I softly caressed her cheek and then kissed it. Soon, my breathing synced with her's and I fell asleep on the couch with her.

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