Chapter 44

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We were all standing in the back yard in plain white shirts and old pair of jeans which we would not mind if it got dirty. It was going to be dark soon so we decided not to run off far into the wild.  Liam and Louis stood facing each other. 

"I would like to take Zayn, Summer and Elise in my team." Louis said.

"Fine I'll take Harry, Niall and Daisy." Liam told and we all switched sides to go into our correct teams.

Elise and I were on different sides and it was going to be so much fun.

"I'll take blue you take red, lad." Louis said and picked up blue ones and passed them on to his team members.

"You all know the rules. You have to run and hide from the other team's members, but also look out for them as you have to shoot them. One drop of paint of the colour of the other team and you are disqualified. The team whose all members disqualify first, loses and has to do the dishes for tonight after dinner plus..." Louis stopped and smirked.

"Plus what Louis?" Liam smiled.

"Plus, they'll have to make a very special and delicious breakfast for other team's members the very next morning." He said and we all looked wide eyed at each other. 

"Sure. It's on." Liam laughed.

As we were filling up our guns with paint before the game started, I walked over to Elise and asked her " What are you going to make in breakfast for me?" 

"Oh no, honey. You got it all wrong. You'll be the one doing dishes tonight and making breakfast for me tomorrow morning." She giggled.

"Oh really, we'll see about that. Firstly, I'll make sure that no one from my team splashes red paint on you." I said and she blushed deeply.

"Because I want to be the one to cover you in red paint." I laughed and she slapped my arm, laughing with me.

"We'll see. It's going to be so much fun." She said.

"Are you guys ready?!" Louis screamed.

"Let's begin. One, two, three." Liam counted til three and we all ran off into the woods in different directions.

The first one to get disqualified was Summer. She forgot that Niall was in our team and Niall taking the advantage, shot her with red paint. The second one to get disqualified was Louis, who got shot by Liam.

"Oh for fuck's sake, lad." He screamed as Liam painted him in red. He kept swearing as he went off to sit with Summer.

"Payno is the boss!" Liam got distracted by just one win when Zayn came up from behind and splashed blue paint on him.

Louis laughed as Liam went to sit with him. "Get away from me, I don't want to sit with you." Louis told him.

"I'll get back at you for this one Zayn." I heard Liam shout at Zayn.

I saw Zayn going off in the direction where Niall went and followed after him. He stopped as he could not find anyone and I took the opportunity to disqualify him. But I was not going to attack on him from the back, I wanted to splash paint on that narcissist's face.

"Hey Zayn!" I called out to him and as soon as he turned, I shot him with paint on his face.

"God Damn you Harreh!" He screamed as he ran off to wash his face.

Great! Three down, one to go, and she was mine. From my left, I heard Daisy scream and knew she got disqualified by Elise as she screamed "You bitch! If I get to make breakfast for you, I'll poison it." 

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