Chapter 43

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The next morning, I woke up feeling more enthusiastic then ever. I checked the group chat and Liam had told everyone to gather at my house as he will pick us all up from here. I immediately took a shower, changed and went downstairs to tell my mom to make breakfast for everyone.

A few moments later, the bell rang. I opened it up and was greeted by Louis, Niall and Zayn. I welcomed them in my house and led them to the dining table.

"Woah! Mrs. Styles made us all breakfast. Cool!" Zayn said.

"Thanks Anne." Niall thanked her.

"No problem, honey." She said.

After a few minutes, the bell rang again.

"I'll get it. It must be Elise." I said walking towards the door.

"Look at him, all excited to see her." I heard Louis say.

I opened up the door and saw her beautiful face.

"Hi." She chirped.

I looked around to see if her parents were here.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Are your parents here?" I asked

"No, why-"

I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her inside.

"Harry? What the hell? I left my bag outside." She said.

I opened up the door again and fetched her bag inside.

"Why are you so hyped up? How many cups of coffee did you drink this morning?" She asked sarcastically.

"Zero. Just excited to see your face." I said giving a quick kiss on her lips. She blushed deeply.

Then I led her to the dining table.

"Hi, Elise." They all greeted her in unison.

"Hi, everyone." She smiled and waved at them.

"Did you take your breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did." She replied.

She pulled out a chair and sat next to Niall, grabbing a water bottle. Just then, the bell rang again.

"Niall, go get it." I told him.

"What?" He asked holding his cup of coffee.

I gave him a look which he understood and got up babbling something. I hit him on his head as he passed me. Then I sat next to Elise, where previously Niall was sitting. He came back into the dining hall with Summer and Daisy and immediately Elise got up to greet them. I heard Louis and Zayn laugh at me and I gave them a death stare.

Thirty minutes later, Liam finally arrived at my house in his van. We all were so excited to go on this trip.  Placing our bags in the in the trunk, we all climbed in, waving a goodbye to my mom. I took the seat next to Elise in the van while she sat in the window seat, staring out at the trees that passed us by.

"Where are we going, lad?" Louis asked Liam.

"You'll see." Liam said.

"Can you play some music?" Daisy asked Liam.

"There's no need to play any music when we have a singer travelling with us." Zayn commented.

"Who?" Daisy asked and all the boys looked at me. 

"What?" I asked pretending to not know anything.

"C'mon Harry, we know you can sing really well." Louis said.

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