Chapter 48

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Days had passed since Mavis called me in to tell me about Elise. Ever since then I have had sleepless nights. I became insomniac. I tried to sleep but every time I closed my eyes, her agonised face flashed my mind, scaring me or even making me scream at times. I waited for Mavis to call me and tell me that she had found another way, but she did not call.

I had started to look after her more. I watched out for her every move, her mood swings, always told her not to use her powers and always tried to calm her down when she was angry. I told her that she should go to Mavis to learn more about her powers but pride had gotten her head in the clouds. She would always say that she did not need Mavis anymore as she has gained her full powers and knows how to control them.

Due to lack of sleep, I was unable to finish my home work and also I could not focus during my classes. I was falling behind in every class but Elise was helping me. She would often help me finish my piled up home work and even at times explain me something even if it was not of her subject. 

In art class, every sketch I drew, every painting, every portrait I made was of her. Mrs.Abbots would tell us to draw something related to pain I would draw her. She would say fear, I would draw her face. She would say happiness, I would draw a picture of her smiling. She would say draw a picnic scene, I would put her in my scene of picnic, standing beside a tree.

"I have seen your work." She would say. " And I found something."

Then she would lay all of my work side to side in front of her on the desk.

"Who is this girl? She is in every sketch." She would ask.

"She is someone, who is my pain, my happiness, my sadness, my fear. She is someone who has always been there with me and I want her to be with me forever." I would say while being in a deep thought.

"Oh, I never seen you talk such deeply. Looks like you are in love." She would comment.

"Yes. Madly in love." I would say.

"Harry?" Her soft voice called out to me.

"Harry?" She called me again and this time I responded.

"Huh?" I said coming out my thoughts and realised I was sitting at the table with my friends in the cafeteria.

She was sitting next to me. She placed her small, soft hand over my huge one. I intertwined my fingers with hers and felt a little bit of strength pour into me. All of my friends were babbling something about school and stuff but I did not listen to them because I guess I wandered off deep in my thoughts. 

"Harry? What's been up with you lately?" Liam asked.

"Nothing." I said trying to smile.

"You look sick." Louis said.

"And tired." Niall added.

"Harry what's wrong?" Zayn asked.

"He's sick and tired of her." I heard a familiar yet irritating voice.

We all turned around to see who it was and saw Taylor, standing with her group of best friends.

"Why are you here? Don't you have somewhere to go?" Elise roasted her and I felt proud of her.

"Why don't you leave him? Can't you see he's depressed because of you. Just break him away from the spell already, you witch." She said.

I could feel Elise getting angry and summoning up her powers.

"Elise, don't waste your energy on her. It's worthless." I tried to calm her down but she would not listen.

"Just leave us alone." Louis told her.

"Yeah, get a life." Daisy said to her but Taylor being Taylor, stood still without even moving from her spot. It looked like as if she was trying to provoke Elise to use her powers.

"Elise look at me." I said turning her around to face me.

"Calm down. Don't do it." I whispered to her.

Then I brought my face closer to her and kissed her. Kissing her felt like as if all my worries had been washed away. I realised that I was kissing her after a very long time, but it made me feel bubbly inside. It brought back the butterflies in my stomach. Boys also get butterflies in their stomachs . 

I pulled away to stare at her beautiful face. Her eyebrows were not knitted together due to irritation, the creases on her forehead were soothed out, and her pouty, angry face had transformed into a smiley, happy one.

"She's wrong." I told her.

"I'm not sick and tired of you. You are my happiness." I said.

Hearing this, everyone laughed at Taylor. She felt embarrassed and finally decided to leave. I thanked God that she had left otherwise Elise would have used her telekinesis to make her trip in front of everyone, which in turn, would alert the witch hunters again.

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