Chapter 57

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Finally, when my one problem got solved, with that came another one. Elise was safe now. There was no need to kill her to stop all of this, but we needed a volunteer for transfer of powers. Who was capable of this task now? Who would want to have dangerous powers and fight Lucifer when today's generation praises Satan more than God?

"Hey." Margaret said sitting in front of me at the table.

I was alone there as it was my free period and so was hers

"Hi." I said smiling.

"Where have you been lately?" She asked

"That doesn't matter I'm here now." I said.

"I heard that you and Elise-"

"Rumours, rumours." I cut her off. "I love her and trust her more than anything." I told her.

"So, what's up?" She asked and for a moment I stared at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked.

"Do you believe in witches?" I asked.

"Witches? Yeah." She said giving me suspicious look.

"Do you believe in hexes, curses, powers, spells, magic?" I inquired.

"Yes. They all exists." She said.

"Margaret." I said taking her hand in mine. "I'm about to tell you something but promise me you won't tell anyone." I said.

"I promise." She said placing her other hand on mine.

I told her everything from scrap. I told her about how Elise and I found out that she was a witch, about her powers, the prophecy and Chris's plan. She listened to me carefully without interrupting me.

"Everything I'm saying is true." I said.

"Of course. I believe you." She smiled. "So, you want a volunteer?" She asked as if deep in a thought.

"Yeah." I said staring at her.

"Will you stop staring at me?" She rolled her eyes. "It sounds really fun, though. If I am capable for this..."

"Of course you are. You are really smart, talented and have a good heart." I told her.

"Stop buttering me." She said.

"I'm not buttering you, Margaret. You really are strong. No one will force you if you don't want to do it." I said.

"I'll do it." She said immediately.

"What?" I asked not believing my ears.

"I volunteer to do it." She repeated.

"Really? Thank you so much." I said.

"When are you taking me to this Mavis?" She asked.

"Soon, but first I need to talk to Elise. She doesn't know about it yet." I told her and she nodded her head.


"Elise?" I tried to get her attention as she was busy reading a book.

We were sitting under a tree outside the school's building.

"Hmm?" She responded and I snatched her book away from her.

"Heey!" She protested trying to get it back. "Give it back to me I was on a very interesting part!" She said.

"Read it later, I need to talk to you." I said.

"What is it, Hazz?" She said.

"Hazz?" I asked.

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