Chapter 52

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Meanwhile Elise was gone for shopping, I called Mavis. She told me to bring Elise's parents to the cafe and I left for her house. Once there, I knocked at the door and his father opened up.

"Styles. Elise is not at home right now. She's gone for shopping with her friends." He told me.

"I know." I said.

"Then why are you here?' He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You and Mrs.Park need to come with me." I told him.

"Where?" He asked.

"To Mavis. We need to talk to you about something." I told them.

He gulped with fear and then called his wife. I took them both and drove to the Wicca shop. On our way, they both sat silently not saying anything and the look on their faces was that of guilt. Mavis was right. They were hiding something from us.

When we reached the cafe, I took them to Mavis's room. As we sat down facing each other in the room, Mavis proceeded to tell them about Elise.

"Ruby and Jonah, your daughter is a witch and you were aware of it since her birth, weren't you?" She asked them.

"Yes, we were." Mr.Park replied.

"You know that your daughter is not an ordinary witch. She is more powerful and dangerous than we think. She has powers more powerful than any other." She continued to tell them.

"We know that too." Mrs.Park said.

"Then you must also know that your daughter is a target for the Count Witch and witch hunters." She asked.

"Yes." Mr.Park said.

"But our daughter will be a good witch. She cannot hurt anyone. She is nice." Mrs.Park said and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Tell us what we not know of." Mavis demanded.

"What are you talking about?" Mr.Park pretended not to know.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Tell us about her birth, because my instincts say that there was something suspicious about her birth that made her this special." Mavis said.

"Please don't tell Elise, we love her so much." Mr.Park said.

"We won't." She reassured them. "Now tell us."

"Me and Ruby tried to get a child. The doctors told her that she could not conceive but still we didn't give up and kept trying. We tried everything, every medication and meditation. I brought different types of fruits and nuts for her, but still she could not get pregnant. The problem was in both of us, and because of that we could not have a child. Our dream of becoming parents was broken and she could not bear it." Mr.Park told.

"It was me. It was all my fault that I suggested this to him." Mrs.Park said.

"I suggested him to use the other way, the dangerous one. It was me who was weak in faith and thought that God had turned his back on us. So, I decided to make a sacrifice to the Satan in return for a child." The words leaving her mouth shocked me.

"We sacrificed a goat to him and did all kinds of ritual until one day, he said that our wish had been granted but we had to pay a price for it. " Mr.Park said and Mavis slapped her forehead.

"He said that a girl will be born, who would hold powers that could bring him back on the throne. She was supposed to be born on Samhain, but came one day earlier due to some difficulties." Mrs.Park said.

"What is Samhain?" I asked interrupting them.

"Samhain, Halloween and Thinning of the veil, occurs on 31 of October when the veil between our world and the other world starts thinning as the nights become longer and darker. Although, Samhain is different from Halloween, it is celebrated from 31 October to 1 November." Mavis told me.

"On 30 October, we were blessed with a girl and we named her Elise, meaning 'Pledged to God' as we wanted to go back on the right path. We wanted to change everything, we asked for the forgiveness of our sins and turned back to God. But still, we couldn't change it. We just hoped that she doesn't use her powers for evil. We hoped she never finds out her true identity." Mr.Park said.

"This is exactly what I feared." Mavis said.

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"Elise is the child of the prophecy." Mavis said.

"What prophecy?" Mr.Park asked.

"When Lucifer had fallen from grace, he made a prophecy, that a child will be born on the day when the people will celebrate the dead, that child will help him and bring him back to his throne." Mavis said as we all looked at each other.

"No, this can't be. Elise was born a day before Halloween. Maybe, she is not the child of the Prophecy." I said.

"Elise was supposed to be born on 31 of October, Harry. She is the child of the prophecy." Mavis said.

"What do we do now?"Mr.Park asked.

"There is no other way, then to kill her." Mavis told them.

"We are not killing our only daughter. Are you out of your mind woman?" Mrs.Park shouted.

"Were you in your senses when you made a sacrifice to the Satan?" Mavis mocked her.

"You said you'll find another way." I raised my voice.

"I'm trying but I can't find any other way." She said.

"But she is not doing anything evil. She is nice." Mrs.Park said.

"I know, and the witch hunters are keeping an eye on her. One evil action and they would kill her there and then." Mavis told them.

"Our daughter is good. We raised her well. She won't do anything evil. We know that." Mr.Park said.

"Let's hope she doesn't do anything evil." Mavis said.


I dropped them off at their house, Elise was still not home. I bid my farewell and went back to my house. Once inside my room, I collapsed on my bed. I did not realise when I started crying like a baby. I tried to hold it back in saying that I was a boy and boys do not cry. But then I remember what Elise once said.

"Who said boys don't cry? Boys have feelings too and they do cry. It's okay to cry sometimes. You can cry. No one will judge you."

Her voice was filled inside my head as one after another, tears came out of my eyes. I was angry and mad, but at whom? It was not her fault that she was the child of the prophecy. Her parents, maybe if they had not lost their senses and took up evil ways, Elise would not have been born for this. But maybe then, there would not have been an Elise to ever exist in this world. 

I was angry, angry at myself for have fallen for her. I should not have fallen in love with her. Maybe then, it would not have ached that much, but maybe then, I would never have experienced these feelings, this happiness and joy I experience whenever I see her face. I did not know what to do with myself, my life, my feelings, my heart and her.

And just like that, I spent another night, lying awake in my bed, yet only this time, I cried.

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