Chapter 42

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It's been a week since Elise's parents got back from Turkey and she left my house. We met each other at school but after spending a whole week exclusively with her, just seeing each other in school was nothing. I missed how we used to watch movies together and she used to fall asleep halfway through it. I missed how we shared rooms even after her father threatened me. It was all fun. 

We have been occupied with a lot of things at school, too. Home works, projects, tests, assignments and what not. Also, Elise had stopped visiting Mavis after gaining her full powers saying that her powers were in control and that she needed not to visit her.

It was Friday and looking at the schedule for next week, I realised that we did not have much to do at school. Just revision, no home works, assignments or projects. We were sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria discussing what to do next week.

"Let's go somewhere." Liam suggested.

"Like on a picnic?" Niall asked.

"Yes." Liam said.

"All of us?" Zayn asked.

"Obviously." Louis said.

"But where?" Daisy asked.

"I know a place." Liam said

"Well, it's not a bad idea." I supported.

"It will be fun and also we'll get a break from all of this studying and our minds will be refreshed. What do you think, El?" I asked turning my attention towards Elise who looked like as if she was in a deep thought.

"Hmm? Yeah, it's a great idea." She said coming out of her thoughts.

"Let's leave this Sunday, spend two days over there and then leave from there on Tuesday morning. How about that?" Liam asked.

"Sounds great." Louis said and everyone agreed to it.

"Then ladies and gentlemen, go get your permissions from your parents and pack your bags cause Payno is taking you somewhere really exciting." Liam said as the bell for our next period rang.


My mom was working in the kitchen when I brought up the whole picnic topic. I told her that we needed a break so my friends and I decided to go on a picnic to somewhere Liam is taking us. He wanted to surprise us that's why he did not tell us yet where he is taking us. My mom agreed on the fact that we needed a break. She allowed me to go and I went up into my room to pack up my things. Just then, I received a call from Elise.

"Hey babe. What's up?" I asked.

"Harry, I can't go with you guys." She said and immediately my mood changed.

"But why?" I asked getting restless.

"Because my parents won't let me." She spoke.

"And what reason did they give you?" I asked.

"They said that it will be dangerous for me, what if I encounter the witch hunters? Harry they are scared." She told me.

"But, I'll be there for you. I'll take care of you." I said.

"I know you will, but who's gonna persuade my parents?" She asked.

"Wait, I'll come over to your house." I said grabbing my cars keys.

"No, Harry wait. Maybe if I..." 

"Maybe if you what?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, I'll talk to them again when they are in good mood." She said.

"And what of they still don't let you go?" I asked.

"They will." She said firmly.

"Okay. Call me again after talking to them." I told her.

"Okay, bye." She said.

"Love you, bye." I said and immediately hanged up the phone.

The next morning, I woke up with a text from her saying that her parents had allowed her to go. I asked how did it happen and she replied saying that she talked to them again when they were in a good mood so they gave her the permission. I was really happy that she was coming with us. It was going to be so much fun. We would get to spend time together again.

Excited, I got out of bed, took a shower, changed and then started packing up for tomorrow. My mom called me several times to come downstairs and eat my breakfast but I was so excited that I had lost my appetite. But I had to go downstairs when my mom came up and pulled me by my ear.

"Breakfast is essential." She said.

"Yes, mom." I agreed as I forced another spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

The day went slowly as I patiently waited for tomorrow. I could also not wait to see Elise's face and go on the trip with my friends. It was going to be great.

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