Chapter 54

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When I woke up, it was dark in my room. I got up from my bed feeling dizzy and walked over to the window. Outside, everywhere was dark, so I walked back to my bed and collapsed on it. Grabbing my phone, I turned it on, the light coming from it hurt my eyes so much that I tossed it on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and went for my phone again, this time, squinting my eyes giving them time to adjust to the lighting. It was 4:00 a.m. I unlocked my phone and saw missed calls and messages from Elise.

"Elise?" I said to myself. "Where did she go? She was with me right now." I said trying to remember.

I opened up her messages . She was asking me the same questions. 'Where are you?'. 'It's been a whole day are you still with your sister?'. 'Harry, I'm scared. I need you.' 'Are you not back yet? Please respond I'm worried.'

Where have I been? I did not go to see Gemma. I turned to my side and found a bottle of sleeping pills lying on the side table. Did I take them? A sudden wave of realisation hit me and everything came flashing back to me. I did indeed took the pills, to fall asleep. I even remember now why I took them. I remembered everything. Getting back my memories also brought back my depression. I wanted to fall back to sleep. I wanted to escape this harsh and evil reality because my dreams were more seducing than this reality. 

I thought I should reply to her first but what would I tell her? Where was I? I wanted to forget it. Wanted to forget it all, her, these painful memories. I did not want to love her anymore because loving her had started to hurt me. It was so unfair. A love like a rose with thorns. This was so unfair, love had always brought sadness and pain to the lovers, but this was just too much. This agony was unbearable. And I wanted to forget her. But how could I do that? How could I forget my happiness? My joy? How could I forget my emotions and be emotionless? How could I forget her smile that brightened up my day? Her touch that felt like electricity? Her kiss that felt as soft as the clouds?

Even when I tried to sleep, her face would pop up in my dreams. She was the one who was making my dreams happy. If she would not have came in my dreams, then I would not have been craving to sleep. 

Should I break up with her? I thought to myself. How could I break two hearts at the same time? I wanted to forget her, but I also did not want to loose my happiness and just like that, I wandered off deep into my thoughts and memories, not realising when the sun came up.

The day had arrived and I was not ready to face her. I was not ready to face anyone of my friends. I wanted to go back to sleep. But I could not keep doing this. I could not keep sleeping through the days just to avoid everyone. What about my grades? My education? My goals? What about Elise? Who would look after her? Who would keep reminding her not to use her powers? 

But then again, my dreams, my utopia was calling out to me. I grabbed the bottle of sleeping pills from my side table and chugged down what seemed like a handful of pills and with that, fell back to sleep, dreaming about my Elise.


Another day went by and I did not hear anything from him. He was not there in the hallways, he was not there in the class, he was not there in break time, he was not even with his friends and his friends also did not know where he was.

When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was to check my phone. There were no notifications, miss calls or even a single message from him. Just, where was he? Why was he not replying? Was he mad? Why would he be mad? A billion questions struck my mind as I set down my phone aside and got ready for school. 

I thought to visit him, but then I did not want to be clingy. But what if he was sick? I tried focusing on the lectures but kept wandering off into my thoughts and lost track. At home, I tried doing my homework but kept checking my phone to see if he had left a message. Still no luck. I missed him. I really did, to a point that it was hurting me. My powers were threatening to summon up but I kept them at bay, keeping my promise that I made to Harry. 

I heard a bling sound and went right for my phone saying 'Harry'. But it was not from him. It was from Summer asking if he texted me or not. I replied with a 'no'. Was he doing this on purpose? Was he planning on breaking up with me? Why was he distancing himself from me? Was he tired of my witchy BS?

I decided to wait a little longer. A few days to see if he is back or not. And if he is, I wanted to see his behaviour. I did not wanted to force anyone or anything. If he wanted to leave me, he could. There was no stopping him. 

Just like that, a new day came as I waited patiently to see his face. But he was nowhere to be seen. What were his friends doing? What kind of friends he had? Did no one go check up on him? I checked all his social media last seen, realising he had not been online for days. What if he really is sick? My heart ached from not feeling his presence and I decided to wait one more day.

"What's the matter? Where's everyone? Did they realise that you were a witch using sorcery on them and now they have left you? Where's Harry? Did he finally broke up with you realising that he deserved better than you?" Taylor said to me in the cafeteria as I sat alone.

"Go away." I gave a plain reply.

"That's all you got?" She said.

I could use my powers to snap her mouth shut but I was keeping a promise. A promise that I had made to someone who was not even here to support me today.

"Do you really want me to show you what I got?" I said lifting my head up.

"Sure. Go ahead." She said and I started summoning up my powers.

"Leave her alone." Said a familiar cool voice.

Both of our heads shot in the direction of the voice and we saw Cameron standing there. He walked right up to where I sat and took a seat beside me.

"Why are you here?" I whispered to him.

"Who is he now? Your new boyfriend? Did you put a spell on him too? You really are a hoe for hot boys aren't you?" She said and I could feel anger filling inside my body.

"I'm Cameron, Cameron Dallas." He said. "You know my name now go away. Don't you have some work to do? Oh right, the only thing you are good at is irritating happy couples, trying to ruin their relationships." He said and Taylor turned red in the face.

She turned on her heels and left us alone.

"Why are you here?" I asked once she was out of sight.

"To remind you not to use your powers." He said.

"Thanks. Otherwise, I would have made the Earth swallow her up inside." I said.

"You are one dangerous woman." He said.

"Where's lover boy?" He asked and I sighed deeply.

"Oh, he's not here then. Well, I should go now. Will come around when I feel like you are about to use your powers." He said getting up.

"Thanks for the reminder." I told him and he winked at me before disappearing through the crowd of people.

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