Chapter 08

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"I want you all to submit this work to me by tomorrow. Work with your partners, meet up after school, finish this by today because tomorrow is the last day of submission. Marks will be deducted for late submission. Class dismissed." Mrs. Hudson assigned us with homework.

"Hey?" I stopped Elise as soon as she got up.

"What are we going to do about this assignment?" I asked.

"Are you free after school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I don't have game practise today so I'm free." I told her.

"Can you meet me at the cafe after school? We can work there as there are not a lot of people to cause disturbance." She said.

"Yeah, sure. It's a nice place." I said and she smiled widely. 

"I can walk with you there." I said and immediately regretted as her face turned pink. Did I make her blush?

"Only if you don't mind." I added.

"I won't be the one to mind." She smiled sarcastically.


"How about we go for lunch together after school?" Liam asked us as we headed to our gym lockers to change into our practise clothes. 

"I can't. I have to meet up with Elise to work on this assignment Mrs. Hudson gave us." I said.

"Oh, and where will you guys meet up?" Louis questioned.

"At the cafe. Actually, I'll walk with her there right after school." I said feeling a bit proud of myself for being this confident.

I have been around a lot of girls and I have been really confident and bold, but around her, I felt kind of shy. I did not feel like I am the most popular boy in this school. I felt like a normal person and I liked that.

"Oh, so our little Harry is going out with his crush." Zayn ruffled my hair.

"I'm not little and it's not a date." I replied making a serious face but inside my stomach, butterflies were going wild.

"Well, at least he did not deny the fact that Elise is his crush." Niall pointed out and I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Shut up." I hit him on his head.


I caught up with her on the stairs outside the school hall.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." She replied wrapping her scarf around her neck.

"So, are you ready to do this assignment?" I asked.

"Of course." She replied. 

As we were walking to the cafe, I asked her some questions in order to get to know her.

"Do you work there? I mean, the cafe?" I asked.

"Yeah, I work there from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM." She replied cheerfully.

"Do you like working there?" 

"I love working there. It's always so peaceful and the smell of coffee just calms my mind." She said smiling at the ground.

"Yeah, it is. There are not a lot of people there. It has a very peaceful environment." I said.

"Yes, that's why I always sit and study there before my shift starts." She said.

"I know."

 As soon as the words left my mouth I wished the ground would crack open and swallow me inside. The heat rushed to my cheeks and my heart beat increased like a rabbit's.

"You do?" She asked looking up at me.

"Uh... yeah, I mean... I mean I saw you there once, reading a book last week when I came there with my friends. " I said trying to hide the fact that I used to go there just to stalk her.

"Oh." She said while shaking her head.

We arrived at the cafe and sat in the booth in which she used to sit everyday, with me opposite to her.

"I'll be right back." She said after placing her things on the table and went to the counter. 

She came back with two cups on a tray.

She placed one in front of me and the other on her side. It was a vanilla latte. My favourite drink.

"Thanks. How much for that?" I asked.

"I already paid for the drinks." She replied opening up her laptop.

"What? You didn't need to." I said.

"It's okay." She replied.

"So, should I consider this a date then?" I asked trying to be more confident.

"I've never been on a date before so I don't know how it goes." Her soft cheeks turned a bright red.

"Well, you brought me here and paid for the drinks so..." 

"You mean I took you on a date?" She asked innocently.

"Yeah, well, it's a study date." I said trying not to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, okay." She said and started typing something in her laptop. 

By 3:00 PM , we were done with our assignments and finished our drinks. I had a great time with her and I understood everything she explained to me during the assignment. She was the one doing all the work and I was just sitting there, staring at her face, admiring her beauty all the time. Focusing on her every flaw, every insecurity, which seemed just right. 

"Elise, Thank you." I said and she blushed again.

"For what?" She asked.

"For helping me out, for taking the responsibility to help me with my work, for accepting me as your bio partner even though I'm of no use. And also for the drinks." I replied and she laughed softly.

"No need to say thanks. I really love helping people. I'm pretty sure you will be helpful for me too. And about the drinks, it was a study date." She said and I could not help but smile.

"I had a great time with you." I said and she looked away.

"Me too." She said tucking a hair strand behind her ear.

"I think I should go now." I said and got up.

She stood up too.

"Bye Elise." I said and started walking towards the glass doors.

"Bye Harry, have a nice day." She said.

"Already had it " I turned around to look at her " with you." I winked.

Before I left, I caught a glimpse of her, blushing deeply and smiling at the ground. I smiled to myself and left.

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