Chapter 06

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I was forced to tell them what happened to my hand as I had no other option. I could not come up with a lie, so I told them the truth.

"Great job Harry!" Niall patted my shoulder.

"But why did you take such action when you don't even know who that man was?" Louis inquired.

"I don't know and I don't care. All I saw was that he was making her uncomfortable and scaring her so I punched him." I replied trying to hide the fact that I was beginning to like this girl.

"Do you know that girl?" Zayn asked.

"Uh...  We go to the same school." I replied.

"Yeah, we know but, do you even know her name?" Liam asked me.

"No." I said and averted my eyes from them. 

What was I doing? I did not even know her name and yet here I was feeling jealous of a boy who flirted with her and being over protective about her when that creep made her uncomfortable. 

"You don't even know her name, Harry." Liam said.

"I'll find out." I replied confidently.


As the bell for the third period rang, I grabbed my books from my locker and dragged my feet towards my next class- Additional Mathematics. I totally hated that class as maths was not my kind of thing and taking additional mathematics was way too much. I used to fail in most of the class tests. On my way, I met my best friend, Margaret, who came out of her bio class and was walking towards her locker.

"Hey there, Hazz." She greeted me.

Margaret and I have been friends since childhood. We were neighbours and grew up together. Her family and our family were great friends which made us even greater friends. 

Then I saw her coming out of the same class as Margaret did. Our eyes met for a second. The corner of her lips turned up a little bit and my heart melted. She walked past me, taking me into her sweet coffee scent. 

"Hey, Margaret, do you know her?" I asked my friend who was busy in searching something in her locker.

"Who? The one with brown hair walking next to a black-haired girl?" She asked raising a brow.

"Yeah." I said.

"Oh, her name's Elise Park. Very jovial nature. An intellectual student. She's very well-mannered, polite and humble. Everyone likes her." She replied.

"Really?" I looked back to where she was standing, chatting with her friend. 

"Is she in Bio class with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She said.

"Oh no, nothing." I replied still smiling.

"What are you up to, Harry?" She questioned.

"I think I like her." The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them. 

My friends would kill me for not telling them before Margaret. I mean, she knew all my secrets but before her, I would always tell the boys.

"Don't even think about it." She replied.

"Excuse me? Are you talking to me?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest.

"She's not your type, Harry." She said.

"What do you mean 'not my type'?" I asked.

"I mean, you like those tall, skinny, arrogant, cheerleader type of girls. She's very different from them." She said.

"Who said I like those cheerleaders? Because I never did. Are you saying that you believe the rumours now?" I asked in disappointment.

"Because you always hang out with them." She tried to defend her point.

"Just because I hang out with them doesn't mean I like them and they are 'my type'." I made my point.

She collected her books from the locker, slammed it shut and gave me a strange look before walking away.

"Looks like someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today." I called out after her.

Realising, I was getting late for my least favourite class, I ran out of the corridor and towards my class where I was greeted with taunts by my BELOVED teacher Mr. Simpson.

I went home with a decision in my mind, that I was dropping that class and instead taking bio as an optional subject. I discussed the matter with my mom who totally understood that I was having problems and was not interested in taking additional mathematics, anymore.

"Since when did you developed an interest in Biology?" My mom asked.

"Well, it's interesting to learn more about our bodies than to sit and draw graphs." I replied. 

"Well, I don't mind you taking Biology and dropping Additional Mathematics. I'll come to school tomorrow to discuss on that matter with the principal." She said and I hugged her. 

"Thanks mom. You are always so supportive." 

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