Chapter 40

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As Harry pulled up in the school's parking lot, his phone rang. He slid to answer.

"Yeah?" He said. "We're here." He said after a pause and ended the call.

We got out of the car and straightened our costumes. 

"Let's go." Harry said.

Suddenly, nervousness and anxiety overtook me and my brain started making up stupids questions in my head. My legs went numb and I stood there staring at his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked taking my hand into his.

As soon as our fingers intertwined, I felt confidence and strength pass through my hand into my whole body and my legs came back to life.

"Nothing." I said. "Let's go."

We walked inside the school's building which was dripping in Halloween's decorations. There were pumpkins lit up in every corner or interval, fake cob webs hanging from the ceilings, spooky lights and much more. We could hear the heavy metal music coming from the auditorium as the actual party was going on over there. The ground was vibrating and shaking due to the loud music.

As we reached the doors of the auditorium, all lights went out, replaced by darkness and the music stopped. The crowd made a noise and then went silent. I squeezed Harry's hand tighter as I felt nervousness tense up in my body. Then, a light flashed into my eyes and for a moment I shut them close. Then I opened them again and squinted my eyes to see that we had a spot light on us. Church music started playing.

"Keep a dead expression on your face and walk with me." I heard Harry say and nodded my head.

He released my hand and signalled me to hold his arm, instead. We walked through the auditorium with slow and a dead look on our faces. All eyes followed us as we continued walking towards the center. All the students were judging and whispering into each others' ears.

As soon as we were in the center, all lights came back on and the crowd roared with excitement as heavy metal music started playing again.

"How was it?" Liam asked as he and our friends came up to us.

"Good job." Harry hugged him.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Your entry. We planned it. How was it?" Louis asked.

"Really? It was so dramatic and amazing." I said to him.

"It was Harry's idea originally." Niall said.

I looked up at Harry who avoid to make eye contact with me. I poked him.

"You are so extra I cannot believe you." I laughed.

We stood there complimenting each others' dresses. Summer and Daisy both looked so stunning in their dresses and their makeup was on fleek. All the boys did a great job too with their costumes.

"Who did your makeup, Harry?" Zayn asked.

"My bride." He replied and I blushed deeply.

"Wow, these scars look almost real. Cool." Liam appreciated my work.

"Thank you." I said.

Just then, I spotted Taylor's squad who were looking in our direction. She and her squad was dressed up as fairies. From the look on her face, I could tell that she was up to something. Maybe, if I use my telepathic powers I could find out what was going on in her head? No, Elise. What are you thinking? You should not use your powers. That's the whole point of learning to control your powers. I mentally scolded myself.

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