Chapter 41

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As we arrived back home, we both went to our own separate rooms. While I was trying to get all the makeup off of my face, I received a call from Mavis saying that Elise might gain her full powers tonight.

"But how will we know that she has gained her full powers or when is it happening?" I asked.

"Her temperature will rise and there will be a faint silver glow around her body like an aura, just watch out for her. The weather might also change when it's happening and then..." She stopped mid sentence.

"And then what?" I asked curiously.

"And then everything will go back to normal. Just keep reminding her not to use her powers. Although, it is hard for a witch to not use them." She continued.

"Okay." I said and with that hanged up.

I took a shower and then went to Elise's room. Knocking on the door, when she said 'come in' I entered.

"Hey. Did I disturb you?" I asked.

"No. What are you doing here this late by the way?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" I asked dodging her question.

"I'm waiting." She said.

"Waiting for what?" I asked.

"Waiting to gain my full powers. I don't know how it will happen so I might stay awake." She said pulling her knees towards her chest.

I could tell she was really tired by the look on her face. She needed to sleep. Also, she was really scared because of this whole thing.

"You should go to sleep. I just talked to Mavis over the phone, she said you won't even notice when it's happening. You should sleep and when you'll wake up, you would have gained all your powers." I said trying not to scare her by telling her the symptoms.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes. And I will stay here just in case, if anything happens." I told her.

"No, Harry. You should go to sleep too. After all, you are as tired as I am." She said.

She was right. I was really tired and needed to sleep, but I also needed to look out for her.

"Okay." I said.

She shifted towards the other side of the bed and allowed me to lay there next to her. 

"Your father will kill me if he finds out." I told her.

"Nobody will tell him." She smiled.

I pulled the comforter over her as soon as she fell asleep hugging her teddy bear. Immediately afterwards, I also drifted off to sleep.

The sound of lightning and thunder strike woke me up. Strong winds gushed through the window making the curtains fly. It was happening. I looked to my side to see her sleeping peacefully. I placed my palm on her forehead to find that her body was burning  and immediately removed it. Closing the window shut, I went back to where she laid and waited for it to be over. Soon, a faint silver glow appeared around her and her body started to lift up in the air. That was unexpected. I pulled her back down suddenly and held her there until the thunderstorm stopped. It lasted for thirty minutes.

"What are you doing?" I heard her voice as the weather turned calm and peaceful again.

She was awake.

"Nothing." I said removing my arms from around her.

"What happened? why are you awake?" She asked.

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