Chapter 18

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I had been very busy with the game practise for the past few weeks, due to which I did not get enough time with her. I did not even get time to finish my homework, which was completed by her, and I felt really bad, because somewhere inside me, it felt like she thought I was using her, even though I knew she was not like this. She would happily do anyone's homework just to make them happy because she was that girl.

It was Sunday and I was totally free that day. No game practise or homework. So, I decided to take her out for lunch so we could spend some quality time together. She was not my girl friend but she was still my friend and I really liked her. In fact, my feelings for her seemed to grow stronger day by day. I really cared about her and wanted to make sure no one ever hurts her. I have never felt like this for someone before, except for my mother and sister. 

I texted her. 

Hey are you doing something today?

I'm doing a lot of things today.

Oh, so you're busy?

No. Not really. Why would you ask?

I thought maybe we could go out for lunch today?

Lunch? Why do you want to take me out for lunch?

Just wanted to spend some time with you and maybe, discuss a few things.
If you don't mind?

Oh no, Of course I wouldn't mind.

Oh great.

So where are you taking me?

Anywhere you like ;)

You decide. At what time?


Well, I'll pick you up at 2 from the coffee shop?

Ok done. So, It's a date?

Good question. Very good question. 
Well, from me? Yes, I'm taking you out on a date.
You are free to consider it whatever you want.

Well, I'll consider it a date too, then.

Ok done. See you at 2?


Excited, I got ready for this lunch date. I was not expecting her to consider it a date too, but guess, just got lucky. I arrived at the coffee shop at 2:05 PM. As I entered the shop, I saw her sitting alone in one of the booths, staring out of the window. She looked beautiful. I mean, she always does. She was wearing a white top, with an over-sized jacket, paired with skin tight jeans and ankle boots. She had a scarf hung around her neck and a beanie was pulled over her head from which flowed down her brunette waves. She looked stunning in those jeans, like, jaw dropping stunning. It showed off her sexy calves and curves.

 I walked over to her but she was too involved in staring at something outside that she did not seem to notice me. I covered her eyes with my hands and a smile formed on her cherry lips, like she knew who it was.

"Harry." She said softly and I removed my hands from her eyes.

"Hey." I said in a low voice as to not disturb the calm and serene environment of the shop.

"Hi." She smiled widely.

"Who were you staring at outside?" I asked jokingly.

"A boy." She joked.

"Oh, was he more handsome and good looking than me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. He was." She said and for a moment I thought she was serious.

But then she chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, Harry. There was no one outside. I was just lost in my thoughts." She replied politely.

"Lost in your thoughts? What were you thinking about?" I asked curiously.

"You." She replied and immediately both of our faces' colour changed.

She turned away to avoid eye contact. I pretended to cough, making her smile.

"Shall we go?" I asked to which she nodded her head in a yes.

We walked outside to where my black Range Rover was parked and I opened the door of passenger seat for her. She climbed in and then I climbed in the driver's seat. I decided to take her to the mall where we would have lunch in the food court and maybe, go for shopping later. 

We arrived at the mall, where we went straight to the food court. I had a great time with her. We discussed a few things about homework, family and friends. I asked random questions and got to know a lot about her.

"What's your favourite colour?" I asked randomly.

"Well, I don't have one particular favourite colour. I like dark shades of blue, lavendar shades and some light grey shades." She replied.

"When's your birthday?" Another random question.

"It's on 30 of October." She replied.

"Oh, that's a day before Halloween, and that's like 26 days away." I said getting excited. 
I needed to plan a surprise for her.

"Yes." She smiled.

"How old will you be turning?" I asked.

"Eighteen." She replied.

"Well, no offense but, you look younger than your age." I told her.

"I know right? I get that a lot, like, people always tell me 'Oh my God? You are seventeen? You look like thirteen, why are you so short?' and I hate that so much like I don't want to look thirteen. I want to look my age." She said while motioning her hands to herself.

She looked endearing when she talked like that. She always used her hands and raise her eyebrows when she was trying to explain something.

"Who said that you have to be tall to look like you're eighteen?" I asked rhetorically and she smiled sadly.

"Elise, it's not a bad thing to look younger than your age. And you don't have to be tall to look like you're eighteen. Age is just a number and at one point we stop growing up and even fifty year old people have the same height as a twenty year old man." I tried to make her understand my point.

"Besides, you look extremely adorable. I've always heard short people are cute and now I'm seeing it too." I softly pinched her cheek.

"Heeeyyy." She blushed deeply.

Afterwards, we went to have a look around the mall. Elise bought a lot of makeup and books too, mostly of horror genre.

"You like reading horror books?" I asked.

"No, I love reading horror books and watching horror movies." She told me.

"Well, Halloween's got to be your favourite day of  the year." I said.

"You bet it is." She replied.

While strolling around the mall, something caught my eye. A shop with the title 'Thomas the Oneirocritic'.

"Look." I pointed towards the shop. " An oneirocritic's shop." I told her.

"We can go there and ask for the interpretation of the dream you had about that woman." I said.

"I don't think it's a good idea." She said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just-"

"Hey, don't worry. I'll be there with you." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. 

"Okay." She said opening them up.

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