Chapter 19

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We pushed the heavy glass doors and entered. Inside, the walls of the shop were painted in azure. It had bright lighting. The room was small, with bookshelves along every wall, filled with books of oneirology. A table placed in one corner with two chairs in front of it while one behind the table with a man sitting on it. He was reading one those oneirology books. I coughed to get his attention and succeeded.

"Well hello, who do we have here?" He stood up placing the book inverted in front of him on the desk.

His eyes were blue behind his Ray bans and his dirty blonde hair stood up in spikes.

"Hi. We are here to find out the meaning of a dream." I said.

"Come then. Sit." He told us to sit and we took our seats in front of him.

"Both of you want to get the interpretation?" He asked.

"No, only she wants to." I told him.

"That will be 20 pounds." He told her. 

I pulled out a 20 pound bill and placed it on the table. He grabbed it and shoved it in his pocket.

"What is the dream about?" He asked.

"A woman." She replied.

"What woman?" He asked rather irritated.

"A woman that came to the coffee shop where I work. She was weird and she was babbling something to me about having powers and strength." She gave a short description.

"In your dream?" He asked.

"No, she actually came to the shop and then later came in my dreams. But in my dreams she wasn't babbling. She was speaking calmly." She told him.

"What do you want me to interpret from this? It's probably because you were over thinking about the situation." He said and I felt kind of angry.

Was he even an oneirocritic? Or was he just a fraud?

"But I've been having that dream since the day of that incident." She raised her eyebrows in way of explaining something.

"What?" I asked.

She was lying to me about not having those dreams. No wonder why she was always sleepy and had bags under her eyes. She gave me a sad look and I signalled her to tell me later.

"Hmm." Thomas stroked his chin.

"Did you see her after that incident?" He asked her.


"Have you ever met her before? Or do you know where she lives?" He asked.

"If we knew, we wouldn't have been here in the first place." I said.

"Then find her. Because she is trying to communicate with you via dreams. She wants to tell you something important that's why she is coming in your dreams every night." He told us.

"Is there a way you can get in to people's dream?" I asked.

"Have you not heard about dream walking?" He looked at both of us.

We gave each other a perplexed look.

"Oh, I know. It's when you walk in your sleep." I replied feeling proud of myself.

"Harry, that's sleep walking." Elise whispered.

"That's sleep walking, you dumbass." Thomas said and I almost got up to hit him in the face when Elise grabbed my bicep to stop me.

"That was rude." She made an angry face at him which made me smile because of how cute she looked when she was angry.

"What's dream walking?" I asked him.

"Dream walking is when someone penetrates through your mind, usually while you are asleep, because then the defensive barriers are lowered. They manipulate your dreams and try to get information out of you or they try to tell you something in your dreams. Dream walking is very dangerous and is often used by witches." He explained.

"Does that mean that woman is a witch?" Elise asked, her face turning pale.

"Yes, dream walking involves witchcraft so that means that woman is using witchcraft which means she's a witch."He said casually.

"What does she wants with her?" I asked curiously.

"Now how would I know that?" He replied arrogantly and I resisted the urge to punch him.

"How do we find her?" Elise asked.

"Well, if you see her in your dreams again, ask her where you can find her." He told her.

"Will I be able to do that?" She asked.

"Of course, you can. When you see her in your dream, just ask her where you can find her and she'll tell you. It' s that simple." He replied.

Elise looked at me with a confused expression on her face.

"Thank you, sir. You have been very helpful." I said grabbing Elise's hand.

"Let's go." I told her and we left the shop.

On my way to drop her off, she told me she was having the same dream about that woman from the past week.

"You lied to me." I said in a low voice.

"I'm really sorry, Harry. I just did not want to worry you." She said pleadingly.

"You did not want to worry me or did not want to share it with me?" I asked. 

I was not mad at her. I was just sad that she did not share it with me because I thought she felt uncomfortable with me.

"Harry, I'm sorry. See, I did not want to worry you and now you know it and you are worried." She said.

"Of course I'm worried. What does a witch has to do with you?" I asked.

This question was continuously bothering me.

"I don't know. But we'll find out. You know, I think nothing will happen. That woman will not come in my dreams again. She is not a witch and Thomas was just a fraud." She smiled trying to make me feel relaxed but I was not.

"Do witches even exist?" I asked.

"Yes. They do, Harry. Witches, witchcraft, magic. They all do." She replied with a serious face.

I could tell she, herself, was really nervous about the whole situation.

"Let's see what happens tonight." I said crossing my fingers.

"Let's hope for the best." She said.

"Now, stop thinking about it." She said placing her thumbs on my forehead.

She soothed the creases on my forehead which were caused by tension and smiled widely.

"There you go. A tension-free Harry face." She chuckled softly and I could not help but laugh.

She always made me smile when I was tensed. Her smile, her voice, her soft chuckle, her gestures, her sweet perfume, her dark chocolaty brown eyes filled with joy, they all seemed to calm my mind. I always wondered how could I not notice her before? She was there all this time, in the same school as I was, and I slept on her. How? 

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