2020 - Thank You

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[ feel free to skip if you want to as this in no way affects the story :) ]

Video above : [One Piece AMV] - LIONS INSIDE | ASL by Kaya (on Youtube)

Special thanks to this AMV to which I always come back to when my inspiration is lacking. Whenever I forget why I love One Piece, it's honestly my go-to video.


Hello dear readers,

First of all, Merry Christmas (in advance or late, depending on your location), where I am, it's Christmas by a few seconds. But happy Christmas Eve for some I guess? And Merry Christmas in advance!

I wanted to say, thank you for the love, for all the comments.

AND thank you all for being so patient with me, because my schedule is honestly so non-existent. (I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot I existed at one point...)

So... I created and published Lonely Flower in quarantine this year, the 13th of May. It has honestly been a pleasure writing this story so far, and I am more so happy to see that so many people enjoy reading it. It is probably the only story for which my devotion to writing hasn't faltered and it is also my longest story despite being one of my newest!

Since this is probably my most loved story I'm currently writing, I decided to publish this end of year note in it.

This year has been quite special with covid-19 and it hasn't been the best for a lot of people, to say the least.

For me, this has been a very paradoxical year as it was both my best and worst year in terms of mental health.

Quarantine in my country was the period of time during which I was at my lowest, which is why I completely stopped updating for a while. But paradoxically, once I started school again, I was in a better place mentally. School wasn't necessarily better or anything though. Unfortunately, I also got a lot busier, but I didn't necessarily hate it, I just felt bad that I couldn't update more often.

Covid-19 isn't over yet and it will follow us to next year. So, I just wanted to say, if everything gets too overwhelming, you're always free to seek refuge here, I'm not really good at comforting people but I will always be here!

Quite honestly, your comments have been a source of light throughout all these times, waking up to see people loving my stories and characters made me immeasurably happy. It helped a lot in making me more confident as a writer.

I thus thought I had to do something in return, in thanks for all the joy your comments have brought me. So I decided to write... Christmas chapters! (that only have the name in common with Christmas) My presents to you all for sticking with me this year! I really hope you enjoyed my gifts.

Once again, THANK YOU for all the love, I truly and genuinely appreciate it all. Thank you for being here this year with me, for spending time with my stories and characters. I hope my novels have somewhat helped you get through this year as you have helped me get through 2020.

Have a Merry Christmas and see you all for the next chapter, in 2021!

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now