Chapter 35 ✨✨

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"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Yeah, I think I need to have some peace to think, and a party organized by the King isn't going to help..."

"Alright, rest well, princess," Nanko comforted, squeezing her hand, "If you miss me, just take care of that rose!" He beamed at her, pointing to a rose origami laying peacefully on her nightstand.

Hina snorted before hitting his shoulder playfully, "Got it, now go have fun, and don't forget me."

"Of course not, how could I forget my dearest princess!" Nanko emphasized, before running away, narrowly avoiding a thrown shoe.

On his way to the banquet, he admired the palace, his hand trailed along the cold bricks of the wall, feeling the bumps and edges of the construction. Along the way, he traced the fishes carved on the walls, traces of innocent childhood, he could easily tell children were the authors. It was poorly drawn, the lines were wobbly, yet it gave more life to the palace than the sculptures ever could. The corridor was silent, the water providing ample soundproofing, it seemed like a bubble encased him, no guards in sight, no one to see him, except maybe the childish drawings with their hollow eyes.

"Death..." Nanko sighed, with a weary smile, "wouldn't be the first time." He continued walking in silence, his thumb rubbing leisurely the handle of his katana.

Slowly the sound of chattering made itself heard.

"Lieutenant Nanko," the guards greeted, before announcing his arrival loudly.

Nanko shook his head slightly and when he looked up again, he adorned a bright mischievous smile. Tonight, he was once again the devious but honest man...

A small part of her wondered when she would finally be free of all pretenses. Sometimes, when she was left alone to her thoughts, the lies poisoned her conscience, and a bitter taste spread in her mouth. Konan was lonely—in this world, was there a single person who truly knew her? Not the facade she put up, but the person behind the mask, Konan. But she had condemned herself, who else could she blame but herself.

It was in these moments that she wanted to see her little brother, her sweet and innocent brother who had no idea of where she was most of the time nor what she did, yet still loved her nevertheless. "Luffy..." the word slipped through despite herself, she hadn't seen the little ball of energy in a long while.

"Lieutenant!" the Queen exclaimed as she floated over to him, a bright smile on her face. "I'm happy to see you here."

Nanko bowed to place a feathered kiss on the back of her hand, "So am I, Queen Otohime." Behind her, he could see a familiar blond man staring at him in surprise, and beside him stood one of the greatest pirates of his generation. Nanko couldn't help but be somewhat happy Hina wasn't here as she wouldn't have reacted well to the flurry of pirates attending the banquet.

"King Neptune," he greeted with a nod the kindly smiling King before similarly greeting the pirates staring at him, "Whitebeard pirates."

They seemed surprised to see him being courteous, it wasn't usual to see marines being polite to pirates. They didn't see fear in him either, he was truly an odd marine.

"So, you're the one Otohime was talking about?" Whitebeard chuckled in amusement as he walked nearer to Nanko. The height difference was truly a sight to see, Nanko barely reached Whitebeard's chest.

Otohime answered in his stead, "That's right, he accepted to be my escort to Mary Geoise!"

"It is my honor," Nanko confirmed, ignoring the suspicious glances he got from the pirates. How could he miss a golden opportunity like this one to go to the 'center' of the world where the 'highest' rulers lived. In addition, it would be the perfect occasion to check on the dog he had there, wouldn't want him to relax too much.

Whitebeard put his heavy hand on Nanko's shoulder, with perhaps a little more pressure than usual. If he saw him wince, he ignored it. "Let's drink, young man."

His behavior just reminded Nanko of another nosy old man, namely the Marine Hero.

Marco was in disbelief; he could have never imagined the arrogant man he met twice to be the one Otohime so highly praised for his foresight and kindness.

"So, tell me, why did you join the Marine?" Whitebeard asked with a raised eyebrow, sipping on his drink. The people around turned around to better hear their conversation, they wanted to know too.

Nanko chuckled awkwardly, "will you believe me if I say I wanted to help the world?"

Whitebeard laughed, finishing his cup in one go, "Do you want me to?"

"...Yes," Nanko twirled his beverage, before downing it. Talking to one of the biggest pirates in the world wasn't as stressful as he thought it would be, there was a peaceful atmosphere surrounding them, a tacit understanding. Like two old souls chatting and drinking together.

"Then I believe you," Whitebeard agreed easily—everyone had their own reasons for doing things and he could respect that privacy.

After a round of drinking, the pirate captain turned around, "Let me introduce you to my treasured crew, my family." He gestured for the people eavesdropping on their conversation to step forward.

"This is Marco, my second-in-command, though by his face... I assume you've already met?"

"Yes, and I'm sure he is delighted to see me again," Nanko prodded, happy to see he hadn't yet told his captain about their little excursion to the seer.

"Of course," Marco nodded, though his expression remained a bit stiff.

Whitebeard didn't comment on that and continued to introduce the other members, and after a while, he presented another commander, "This is Thatch, a marvelous cook and the commander of the 4th division."

"Nice to meet you, Nanko!" Thatch exclaimed good-heartedly, offering a hand to him.

"Similarly." Nanko shook his hand, observing the kindness naturally emitted from the man, a naturally charismatic person was his conclusion.

Whitebeard's crew had a lot of different people, still, all of them held a measurable amount of respect towards their captain. All except one.

"I'm Teach," he introduced himself curtly, with a smile that showcased his crooked teeth.

Nanko could spot a fake smile from a mile away, having long perfected it, and he could easily tell his was far from sincere. He didn't let his captain introduce him, perhaps too prideful to let another do it. Nanko could see the greed in his eyes, hidden behind a layer of fake respect. But the gloating pirate was too weak to present a threat to him and even trashes had their uses, he had no reason to tell them to get rid of the pest.

"Nanko," he responded with an equal lack of care.

Teach simply nodded before disappearing into the shadows.

Nanko hoped it would be the last time he heard of him, the further he was from him, the better. He had a bad gut feeling about him.



PS : feel free to follow me if you like my story ;)

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