Chapter 46 ✨✨

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She appeared where she last felt the paper being torn. She barely had the time to see where she was when she felt a fist being thrown her way. She narrowly avoided it, her skin taking a purple glint as she felt fire emanating from the arm. Konan flew to the sky to gain distance and understand the situation.

Beneath her was a whole crew of people all on guards against her, they were familiar, a glance at their tattoos told her about where she landed-in one of the strongest crew in the world-the Whitebeards. When she looked more closely, she saw a familiar paper in the hand of the person who attacked her. She motioned for the paper and in less than a second, it flew away from the surprised blonde man to land in her hand. It was fine, apart from the little tear in the corner. She quickly deduced she had been accidentally summoned.

"Who are you?" Marco asked warily, his body still in flame as he watched the stranger assess her surroundings. She didn't seem to be hostile but he was still on his guards.

Konan didn't answer, instead searching with her eyes the one who was supposed to own her paper. Her gaze went off the first boat to see the hundreds of boats gathered around, he could be on any of these, or even not on them. She sighed heavily and kneaded her forehead. The drinks were starting to affect her, and the unexpected situation had caused a headache to form.

Using her Haki at that point would just cause her needless pain when there were close to a thousand people gathered around.

"Wait, stop here, what are you doing?" Marco flew up, burning the paper butterflies that formed from her wings.

"Any chances you're willing to tell me where Ace is?" she asked tiredly, looking at him with a bit of desperation, it would take a long time to search everything, even longer with people breathing on her neck.

Marco was puzzled by the odd request, trying but failing to remember who this 'Ace' was, "I don't know anyone by that name." If only he had a better memory, he would remember that it was the name of the young pirate his captain had recently captured and brought back to their boat.

"Well, I tried," she sighed again, letting free a flurry of black butterflies that flew to every single boat. "Don't worry, they won't do any harm, I'm just looking for one reckless brat."

Marco's mouth dropped open as he watched the haki-coated butterflies fly around. "How am I supposed to stop that?" he muttered to himself.

The odd apparitions caused the whole crew to get out of their boats puzzled. Some tried to destroy the bugs but nothing hurt them, they simply flew through the attacks to scour the boats.

All the commotion managed to bring out the captain to the deck. "What is happening here Marco?" His voice echoed through the skies with authority.

Marco turned around in apology, as he flew down to meet Whitebeard, "I'm sorry pops, she appeared suddenly and I couldn't stop her."

Whitebeard looked up to the woman staring down at him in apathy. She wasn't intimidated nor excited to meet him, there wasn't even curiousness in her gaze, only indifference.

"And pray tell me who you are?" he asked, banging his naginata against the deck provoking a shock wave that made her put a hand on her head with a heavy frown.

Turns out, shock waves and hangovers weren't a good match. That caused some of her butterflies to collapse.

"Konan," she answered curtly, the nauseating smell of alcohol coming back up from her throat. Her ears were ringing and she felt her vision waver, all she wanted to do at the moment was rest but she knew it wasn't a choice she had. Except if she left Ace to fend for himself.

As the thought showed its ugly head in the back of her mind, she received the information that he was found, sleeping soundly in a room on the main boat, with seastone handcuffs on.

She vividly remembered her meeting with the crew years ago, on Fish-Man Island. They weren't the type to brutally murder an innocent kid but they were still pirates, she couldn't exactly leave the possibility out.

"I'm not here to fight," she spoke out, flying down to Whitebeard's height in a show of trust. "I just want to retrieve someone you've captured, Ace."

Whitebeard chuckled at her gutsy moves, "and what makes you think you can come and leave unscathed?"

Konan frowned, feeling his deep voice resonate in her body, aggravating her headache. "I would rather avoid fighting but-" she paused, releasing a small burst of concentrated killing intent, "if it comes down to it, I'm confident enough in my own skills."

"Really now," Whitebeard commented with a hint of interest, "if you can beat Marco, I can consider freeing Ace."

His crew cheered on, excited at the idea of seeing the second-in-command fight for the first time in a while. There was no doubt in their mind that he would win, they simply wanted to see him fight.

Konan frowned, knowing she couldn't avoid it if she wanted to retrieve Ace safely. In a heartbeat, all the butterflies flew back to attach themselves to her wings, forming wings double her size.

"Alright," she motioned with her index finger, "come little birdy." She didn't forget to provoke her opponent, tickling his ego. Pitch black papers slowly filled the sky around, floating non-threateningly around Marco and her.

Marco didn't rush at her provocation, taking his time to fly around, observing the papers and her to prepare the best course of action.

From beneath, Whitebeard observed with interest the papers, he had never seen Haki coating a devil fruit's powers before.

"If you won't attack, I will," Konan made the first move, the papers rushing dangerously toward Marco. Just as he was about to be imprisoned, he transformed into a phoenix and flew through the tiny gaps in the formation to rush at Konan.

She stood still, watching him approach at a dangerous speed, just as he was about to punch her body, it scattered and reformed on the other side. Wherever her paper was, her body could be.

Meanwhile, Ace who had been woken up was taken to observe the fight beside Whitebeard. He leaned against the edge of the boat, to better observe the confrontation. Though he was a bit too excited to be the hostage he was supposed to be. He wanted to know how well the sister he had never managed to beat would fare against one of the strongest men in the world.

He suppressed a shiver when he saw the glance Konan sent him, though she smiled, he knew better than to believe the sickeningly sweet smile, he was dead.


creepy info of the day ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

Did you know Wattpad gives author access to this map where we can see where most of our readers are ? Don't ask me where they get that info from but it's there
(• ▽ •;)

Did you know Wattpad gives author access to this map where we can see where most of our readers are ? Don't ask me where they get that info from but it's there (• ▽ •;)

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