Chapter 95

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"Everyone!" Luffy shouted at his crew, "Don't think of anything other than escaping! Currently, we cannot defeat them!"

In an instant, his crew nodded, turning away to run, Franky sent a coup de vent toward the Pacifista using that opportunity to open a pathway. They all split into different groups to run away.

Kizaru tried to follow but Rayleigh blocked his way. Konan glanced at the whole situation, eliminating Kizaru from her list of worries.

"PX-1! Roronoa is almost done for! We'll start there." Sentomaru ordered his Pacifista, calmly taking control of the whole situation.

Sanji immediately noticed the sudden threat, "Shit! He's going after Usopp's group." He turned around, ready to intervene when he saw an unfamiliar woman appear behind Zoro, Usopp and Brook, raising her hand. "Be caref-" The words died on his tongue when he saw a slim katana appear in her hand as she cleanly cut through the Pacifista. "Konan-swan?"

Konan turned toward Zoro's group, "Go." One down, one more to go, glancing at Luffy she saw he was fighting—getting beat up—by Sentomaru. She appeared in between Luffy and him, blocking Sentomaru's slap with her own. "Why don't you fight someone your level?" Though she smiled her eyes were dark with anger. Luffy was riddled with injuries and bruises, and though it was normal for a pirate that didn't mean she liked seeing her little brother in that state.

"Let me handle this," she waved Luffy away ignoring his stunned look.

Sentomaru watched the interaction, "Konan the Paper Angel, what's your relationship with the Straw Hat?"

Konan didn't even bother replying, attacking him. Her sword clashed against his Axe. Sentomaru was about to comment when he saw her sword slither around his axe, gripping it tightly and eroding the edges by repeatedly rubbing against it. "What the heck is that?" He let go of his axe when the blade slid toward his own wrist.

Konan threw his axe far away, her sword rematerializing in her hand as she ruthlessly attacked Sentomoru who struggled to keep up. Slashes appeared on his skin as he failed to parry everything with merely his hands. Her sword style was unpredictable, changing form all the time making it impossible to counter.

Kizaru glanced at that fight while clashing against Rayleigh and he couldn't help but whistle, "How interesting..."

Rayleigh followed his line of sight. He didn't comment though his eyes narrowed before he concentrated back on his own fight.

After a while, Sentomaru was panting, wounds of various depth maring his skin. He tried to make use of the obvious wounds on Konan's side but she left him no openings, using clones to fool him into attacking before attacking his back. He was no match for her.

Konan was about to finish her fight when she heard Luffy scream. "Zoro...? Zoro??!" She pressed her foot down on Sentomaru who was on the ground as she turned to look.

Bartholomew Kuma had appeared while Zoro disappeared. In an instant she knew what had happened. His abilities were something she learnt about a long time ago.

She let go of her foot, about to appear in front of Kuma when a chill bolted through her body. She immediately stepped back, narrowly avoiding an iced leg.

Kizaru chuckled seeing the newcomer, "You sure took your time..."

Aokiji yawned, ruffling his hair while pushing his sleeping mask a bit higher on his forehead. Obvious signs of him having taken a nap. Despite that he told a blatant lie, "I got lost."

Konan gritted her teeth, impatiently looking beyond him towards Kuma. She wasn't sure if he was there to help Luffy or not. That question was soon answered as Kuma made the cut-up Pacifista, who was about to laser beam the Straw Hats, vanish. She was relieved, because even if the Straw Hats were sent on the other sides of the ocean, she could always find them. As long as they stayed alive there was hope.

Now she just had to focus on her own fight. She glanced down at her wound seeing the paper bandages already tainted a stark red. With a swipe of her hand, they were changed back to a neat white. She could hear the strain and despair in Luffy's voice as he ordered his crew to once again flee. As much as she wanted to reassure and protect him, she couldn't, not with the admiral in front of her.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go there..." he stepped in front of her line of sight with a lazy smile. "Orders are orders..."

"I understand," she replied with a sneer. Their blades clashed once again.

"Franky!" Luffy cried out, voice dripping in despair and anguish. "Nami!..." He ran to stop him but it was useless, one by one they vanished. "Chopper, run!... NO! Robin!!!" He fell on his knees, coughing and panting. "What's wrong with me?! I couldn't even save a single nakama...!" He gripped his head tightly, tears and blood running down his face.

Konan gritted her lips tightly, not stopping even when blood appeared. Even as she clashed against Aokiji, the pain in her brother's voice twisted her stomach, wrenching her heart painfully. She felt she had failed him.

When he finally vanished too, she closed her eyes. She only hoped she hadn't made the wrong choice and that he wouldn't hate her too much.

Just like that the Straw Hat Pirates were utterly defeated.

Aokiji stabbed right through Konan, frowning when he saw her disappear once again. "What an annoying ability." This time however, she didn't reappear.

Similarly Rayleigh didn't take long to disappear long and like that both admirals were left with no one, except one Kuma who didn't seem intent on cooperating.

Konan simply reappeared in a bar on the other side of the island. "Hello again, sorry to bother." She nodded toward Shakky, her hand pressing against her reopened wounds.

Shakky gasped, jumping over the bar counter to help support Konan. "You're in need of some urgent care."

Not long after, another person went through the door, panting slightly. "Old age really isn't doing me any good..." 

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora