Chapter 37 ✨✨

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Bartholomew Kuma wasn't a slave but he might as well have been one. Since he had agreed to become Dr. Vegapunk's helper, he became restricted in his movements. He felt every day that a part of his conscience was slipping away. And though he used to be respected as an officer of the Revolutionary Army, he had now become an unknown guinea pig.

Even his presence amongst World Nobles was insignificant, Dr. Vegapunk had brought him—to his secret meeting—but had ultimately sent him on an errand, without revealing anything to him. Though Dr. Vegapunk somewhat respected him, their relationship ended there, he knew his desire as a scientist would surpass any bond formed between them.

In the end, would even the name Kuma disappear in the name of science? He didn't know, who would even remember who he was before? Maybe that marine officer would sometimes look back upon their encounter and remember the foolish man who brought tragedy upon himself.

It was too late to turn back.


Otohime was reading her papers over and over, fingers trembling. She forced them to still by crossing her fingers together. Soon, her name would be called, and she would have to defend her ideas in front of humans that held the fate of her island in their hands.

Surrounding her were humans, and at that moment her tail seemed so glaringly different, sometimes she wished it wasn't there. This difference had caused so many of her kind to be kidnapped, stolen from their own. Still, it was part of her identity and she could never deny it for her children bore the same.

"What are you going to do if you fail?" Nanko asked, standing straight behind her. There was no mockery in his voice, only a tinge of concern and respect.

He was a human that believed in her, that didn't laugh in the face of her ideas like so many others did. Though he hadn't been sent by the Marine, he still offered to accompany her. She knew how much he risked by doing so, it could forever impede his carrier by being associated with fish-men, still, he chose to support her. His existence brought proof that her cause was valid and that not all humans disapproved of it. It brought hope, that maybe one day humans and merfolk alike could live in peace.

Otohime smiled at him, not in joy or amusement, but with gratitude, "I will try again." She wasn't willing to give up. Even if no one was willing to sign her petition, and no one thought it was possible, she would continue fighting for what she believed in.

When Hina looked at Nanko, she saw him nod in approval. She knew that despite his usual sadistic antics, he was someone very kind to those he thought deserving of it. Thus far, only she and Queen Otohime had earned that kindness, and that made her somewhat proud and scared—how frightening would it be if one day when he looked at her, there wasn't warmth and affection but a polite coldness. To become strangers once again, like when they first met. She shook her head, in denial and dread, she didn't know how much that would break her... And she never intended to know.

Otohime entered the council room alone, with the Celestial.

Time ticked by in silence. Hina leaned against Nanko, head against his shoulder.

Nanko started humming, fingers fiddling with paper origami.

The other guards stood straight and tensed; their eyes fixated on the door.

The door creaked as it opened.

Everyone stilled, staring at the Queen who came out, face cold and passive. Their faces dropped as the worst came to mind.

Her voice came out in a whisper, a tremor inhabiting it, "I've done it! I've succeeded!"

The guards were shocked and soon, some teared up. They had all seen their queen struggle to achieve her dream, fighting and failing for years. And they too began to hope of a better world.

This signed the beginning of a bright future, one where they could live freely and be accepted by the surface. They already began to imagine the happiness of their family.

Nanko and Hina were happy for them, and not wanting to intrude on their emotional moment, they choose to leave them alone. They could never understand centuries worth of suffering endured all leading up to this moment, the promise of a future in the light of the day.

"This will change a lot of things for sure," Hina commented, smiling at Nanko.

"I hope so," he truly hoped so, that for once peace could be achieved through talk alone.

It would have been a wonderful reality.

If only they didn't leave after a week, leaving Otohime to collect the signatures of the petition alone. If only he chose to stay, maybe things would have been different.

It was a bright and sunny day, Nanko was sunbathing on the deck while Hina smoked her daily cigarette, her sunglasses on. The crewmembers were cleaning, and navigating the boat. The soft smell of the ocean drifted over with each wave crashing against the hull.

"Where are we going?" Hina asked, gazing at the horizon where the sea met the sky. When she didn't receive an answer, she turned around. "Are you asl-" She stopped when she saw him sitting up, frowning heavily. "Are you alright?" She immediately threw her cigarette in the water before crouching by his side.

"She's dead." He stated in shock. He had just received the information from his butterfly.

Hina paused, taking in the information and turning serious, "Who?"

Nanko pushed himself up, a feeling of sickness spreading when he remained laying. "Queen Otohime." His mouth felt sour, like he just ate a bitter pill. It was very unpleasant, his stomach was clenched, while his eyes couldn't focus on anything around him. He couldn't hear what Hina was trying to tell him, he didn't want to hear. He just wanted to disappear for a bit, find a hidden place and curl up in the darkness. Another part of him wanted to find the culprit and tear him apart, find those who failed to protect her and blame them. He was angry, furious even, he thought Otohime could finally break that vicious cycle of hatred without violence.

But more than anything, he blamed himself for leaving her to continue her fight alone when he told her he would assist her. He thought she would be fine in a land of her own, amongst her own, that he could leave her to finish the fight.

He had failed her. The Queen who represented everything he once aspired for, everything he failed to achieve. Once upon a time, he too dreamed of ending his own war, or bringing his people to peace, and that failed miserably. They were a group of three children with a dream. One fell dead, the other into madness, and he too soon fell into another world, leaving his own behind.

But Otohime was different, she hadn't lost hope, she never did. And she was oh so very near her goal... one step away from it. One bullet, and she lost everything.


how are y'all feeling?

PS : next chapter, we're seeing an adult fire user ! <3

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