Chapter 93

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"They already left?" Konan stood by the entrance of the bar with a heavy frown. It seemed like she had barely missed them.

"Oh hello there!" Shakuyaku smiled at the sudden intruder, "Do you need anything?"

"No, I apologize for barging in like that," Konan bowed her head slightly.

"It's fine, instead, I can't help but be curious, what's your relationship with Monkey-chan?" Shakky asked, leaning against the counter top with a cigarette in hand. She had read the purple-haired's latest feats in the journal.

Konan was ready to leave when she heard the question, she paused before replying with a smile, "I'm his sister of course."

"Oh..." Shakky chuckled, "that certainly explains a lot of things..." She waved her off, "I won't keep you here longer. Go help your brother then."

Konan nodded, flying off with one powerful flap of her wings. Judging from their latest actions, the Straw Hats wouldn't be able to leave before a while—coating their boat would take a few days. However the Admirals wouldn't take more than an hour to arrive.

She could probably delay one of them but taking on two at the same time would probably be impossible. Amongst the big shots gathered on the island, few could and would be ready to fight an admiral. Rayleigh was retired, so she couldn't rely too heavily on that possibility.

"I'm probably one of the main targets currently..." Considering her current bounty, she was probably at the top of her list. She would have to keep the fight as far from the Straw Hats as she could manage.

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the distance, disappearing as quickly as it appeared. When the dust settled in, a void appeared where a giant tree was previously standing. It took mere seconds for that to happen.

Konan flinched, they were here. A vague sense of coldness permeated even from miles away. This wasn't something she was looking forward to.

Her body dispersed with the wind before she reappeared on top of a building, overlooking the situation.

Beneath, Basil Hawkins sat opposite Kizaru, calculating his chances of survival. Konan observed his impassive face, coldly fiddling with his cards in front of the admiral—it took guts. But then again, anyone making it this far had to have some amount of courage.

"Could I... perhaps have a moment?" Kizaru asked, slurring his words in boredom, "I'm looking for a man by the name of Sentoumaru."

Behind him, Aokiji yawned as he looked around. He looked thoroughly uninterested.

Konan felt like his eyes brush past hers before he looked back down. But if he did see her, he didn't make it known. Or so she would have thought if the next moment he didn't appear in front of her, frozen leg brought down on her.

She blocked with her arms, flinching when freezing cold began to spread from their point of contact. Dark black immediately covered her arms as she separated from him. "You couldn't just pretend not to see me?"

"I would have loved to... but the orders are absolute... capture Konan the Paper Angel, dead or alive." Aokiji stated almost reluctantly before an ice sword manifested in his hand. "You're a threat to the government." He announced with a sense of fatality.

"I almost feel honored," Konan chuckled humorlessly as a black paper sword similarly appeared in her hand.

No other words were exchanged as their blades clashed violently, immediately attracting the attention of the people below.

Kizaru put his hand up as a visor as he stared at them, "Oh my... the fight has already started," he drawled with a smile.

He turned back to Hawkins, "Well I better get to it then." No sooner had the words left his mouth that his leg lit up in a brilliant yellow light. "Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" He asked with all the indulgence of a father teaching his kid before sending Hawkins flying.

Fights erupted all around while some remained spectators; Apoo was safely observing from a balcony, his eyes stuck on the fight between Konan and Kuzan. Shockwaves erupted from times to times as they battled, appearing and disappearing within seconds. Pieces of papers fluttered down with blocks of broken ice also falling down.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Apoo simply waved him off, "It's not everyday you get to witness a fight between a pirate with a 900 million berries bounty and an admiral." He had heard of this new rising pirate but seeing the difference in person was miles away from merely reading about it. The speed and the strength behind each blow was something he could never hope to replicate. The buildings were trembling every time their blades met while every slash created deep crevices.

Shivers ran through his body—both excitement and a sense of fear rammed his body.

Even her Devil Fruit was astutely used to maximize her combat performance—one second Aokiji managed to land a blow on her, the other second, that person simply fell apart like a mere clone. Plus, her innocent-looking papers that floated everywhere managed to wound Aokiji despite him being a logia-user.

Apoo was impressed.

Meanwhile, Konan was far from impressed with her current situation. Though Aokiji didn't manage to inflict any heavy wounds, she could feel her blood slowly freeze, her eyes became heavy with the cold while her mind fell slightly behind at times.

Without waiting for the next symptom, she bit tongue harshly, the pain bringing back a sharp clarity. This wasn't the first time she had to fight in extreme weather, but she had to admit, it never became easier.

Haki could help against surface freezing but for the cold she inhaled, there was nothing she could do. Neither stop the slow chill spreading through her members nor stop the unpleasant memories resurfacing with the sensation.

"What a nasty power," she muttered under her breath, avoiding a giant ice spike.

"I can see why they would want you dead," Aokiji commented idly, looking down at his arms that were lacerated with small paper cuts while a greenish color spread—poison. It quickly froze before spreading any further. He then blew around him, freezing all the papers around.

Konan simply waved her hand, activating a series of explosions from the frozen papers. He managed to avoid the explosions at the last second, not without coughing back some smoke.

Looking down, Konan frowned, the fight had escalated to involve Kizaru, a pacifista and a few members of the worst generation. Regardless of the number of opponents, they were no match for him, not with their current abilities.

"Eyes up here," Aokiji spoke up, his sword slashing vertically in her direction.

"Needy much..." Konan teased, letting the sword cleanly cut through her dispersed body. "Don't worry, you have all my attention."


feels good to be writing again after nearly a month lmao  

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