Chapter 41 ✨✨

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Walking through the bustling city, they stood out like a sore thumb, everyone stared and whispered. Ace and Deuce were wearing worn-out clothes with tears in them, after living for a few weeks on the Island, their clothes were their last priorities. In addition, there was nothing on the Island to mend their clothes. Of course, this plight didn't apply to Konan who could change her appearance with a swipe of her hand.

"Let's hurry up to a clothing shop," Deuce commented, quickening his pace. He very much appreciated his mask at that moment, he wasn't like the two shameless people by his side who didn't mind the attention. Konan simply used her cape to hide half her face.

They finally entered a recluse shop. The old lady at the counter smiled at them, though her smile visibly stiffened when she saw their state. "What can I do to help you?"

"Please repair our clothes," Deuce stated, waving in his and Ace's direction. "We'll also buy other clothes in the meantime."

Konan took out a pouch of money, which earned her dubious glances from Deuce and Ace, they both knew she didn't have that money when they arrived here. She sent them an innocent smile, she simply had very nimble hands, and people, very loose pockets.

After they left in their new garments, they restocked on everything they needed, from food to buying a proper boat.

"I think I've found my crew's name," Ace paused dramatically, "the Spade Pirates!"

Konan clapped in amusement, "Congratulations on your official debuts I guess."

"Hmm, it's a good name," Deuce approved. Since he decided to follow Ace, he had accepted his fate as a pirate, and for the first time in his life, it didn't seem so bad—he would go on adventures like he once dreamed of, except this time he would have companions.

Like that the Spade Pirates officially debuted, with its captain, a demon fruit user, a masked adventurer, and a temporary nanny.

A few months later, Konan hadn't left as she thought she would, though she often disappeared for some weeks to take care of matters as Nanko, she often stayed with the Spade Pirates that had grown to have a proper crew—though they still didn't have the most important member, a cook. She didn't fight very often, mostly advising and training the members to survive in dangerous situations.

"Konan!" Ace shouted while walking toward where she sat on the edge of the boat, feet hanging above the water. "They updated my bounty-"

Judging from his huge grin, Konan easily guessed what he wanted to say.

"It's now higher than yours!" He beamed with a teasing smirk while waving his bounty in her face.

Deuce popped his head through the door, "Captain, that's only because she doesn't fight."

"Nah, I'm just better-" Ace retorted before he received a kick that sent him flying overboard. He twirled mid-air and repositioned himself to land on the water just in time.

Konan was still sat perfectly fine on the edge, a giant paper leg dissipating on the deck. "I didn't quite hear, what did you say, Acey?" She leaned forward with a smile, as paper swords manifested in the air, pointed toward him.

"You heard me right," Ace continued provoking, his body turning into a human torch, heating up the sea around.

"Don't damage the boat please," Deuce shouted from where he was, though he wasn't sure they heard him as they began to engage. He sighed in relief when he saw them both take their fight over to the sea, a bit further away from the boat.

"Hey Deuce, is that another pirate boat?" someone asked while pointing to a small shadow making itself visible on the horizon.

Deuce took out a telescope and nodded, "this is going to end up badly." He stared at them and then at the still fighting Ace and Konan, they were provoking huge waves with their fight, while their blows resonated around, making their boat shake a little.

"That's-" Konan paused, avoiding a swipe from the condensed fire.

"Yes, my own weapon," Ace grinned, a fire sword in hand. He had that idea after suffering countless times from Konan's changeable weapons, he would never admit he changed his fighting style to suit hers.

"That's a good idea," she commented before raising her hand, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Wait a minute-" He immediately recognized the familiar technique, the papers gathering in waves behind her and assembling in a tsunami-like form. "That's not fair," he gritted his teeth, gradually doing the same move with his flames. She was always one step ahead of him.

Their show-off was cut off by the sound of a cannon going off in the distance. They both turned to look at the disturbance—a pirate boat was going straight in their direction with a fleet of Marine boats pursuing them.

They glanced at each other with agreed annoyance and in unison sent their gathered powers in the direction of the intruders. The tsunami of sharp papers blended with the blazing fire to form an unavoidable death trap—both burning and shattering all boats it came in contact with.

Or so it should have been, except the front pirate boat was protected by a translucent blue bubble, that was oddly familiar to Konan. She didn't have to wonder much longer as the boat arrived in front of them, with at its head a frowning man with a goatee and a spotted fur hat.

The bubble was now around them, and in an instant Ace's head was in his tattooed hand while Konan was cut in half, torse separated from her legs.

"Oh! That's a fun power!" Ace commented nonchalantly, looking around while his hands waved at the void where his head was supposed to be. He transformed into flames, causing Law to let go of the burning ball, but he still couldn't complete his body.

Konan was now sure of where she had seen the man, he was the little child she had once spared ages ago. The sensation of being away from her body was uncanny and unforgettable.

Her body deconstructed into a sea of papers floating in the air, before coming back to form her body.

Law frowned, a sense of oddity striking him at the view of the papers floating around. He pointed his index finger at her before motioning towards himself. In a heartbeat, her heart appeared in his hand. He followed his gut instinct and before she could react tightened his hand. It transformed into papers that fell.

"You-" he looked up in astonishment at the woman that was in all points different from the arrogant man he once encountered. "You're that man, aren't you?"

His crew members looked at him in question, not understanding their captain's shock.

"Quiet people live longer," she tilted her head in silent warning, as the sky was slowly filled up with sharp papers.

He prepared to intercept them with his room when he saw them turn an ominous black, the fear from back then came crashing against him, he could vividly remember the helplessness he felt back then.

"Oh, you're doomed," Ace commented from his place on the deck before he remembered he was beneath the attack range too. "Uh... Konan?!"


btw, there will be no update tomorrow as i'll be away from my home (and thus my computer) for the whole day... 

if you miss me, feel free to check my other works (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ (which I will update after finishing this writing spree)

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➳ 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐚 (one piece fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ